53/4 Barnsley(small tear1 2 x 1/2 inch)£7), 54/5 Oldham(fld/wear to sp)(£12),  55/6 Fulham(FR)(£20), Tranmere(£20)  56/7  Halifax(sl r/s)(£15), Mansfield(r/s)(£15),   57/8 Mansfield (£14), Oldham(£14) 58/9  Bury(sl mk)(£15), Hull(£17),   59/60 Crewe(3 StanletyAutos)(£15), Port Vale(r/s)(£10), 60/1  Darlington(£15), Preston(FAC)(£16), 03/4 (£1) Colchester(FAC), 06/7 (£1) Swindon,  11/12 Carlisle(JPT)(£2), 14/15 (£2) Camb Utd, 16/17 (£2) Colchester, Hartlepool 18/19(£2)  Barnsley, Blackpool, Bristol Rovers, Cheltenham T(FAC), Doncaster, Oxford, Peterboro, Portsmouth, Shrewsbury,  TEAMSHEETS (£1 each) Camb Utd 15/16, 16/17Colchester 17/18


 32/3 Sunderland(ph)(£34)  33/4 Huddersfield(r/s)(£55), 38/9 Everton(sl fld)(£40), Grimsby(£50), 42/3 Brentford(flds/sl cr))(£25),  43/4 Brentford(scorers on front,score on front flds)(£22),  44/5 Clapton Orient(LSC)(sof/sl fld(£30), Millwall(fld/t/c)(£25),  46/7 A.Villa(£30), Blackburn(£30), Blackpool(£40), Bolton(sl fld)(£20), Brentford(£30), Brentford(RES)(FCC)(£40), Charlton(£30), Chjelsea(FAC)(£40), C.Palace(RES)(fld)£20), Derby(£30), Everton(£30), Grimsby(£30), Huddersfield(sl fld)(£20), Leeds(sl fld)(£30), Leicester(FR)(sl fld)(£50), Liverpool(£50),  Man Utd(sl fld)(£50), Middlesbro(£30), Plymouth(RES)(sl fld)(£25), Portsmouth(sl fld)(£20), Portsmouth(RES)(FCC)(sl fld)(£25), Preston(£30), Reading(RES)(sl fld)(FCC)(£35), Sheff Utd(£30), Southampton(RES)(sl fld)(£35), Stoke(sl fld)(£20), Stoke(fld)(Pirate)(£16), Sunderland(ph/sof)(£12), Tottenham(RES((fld)(£25), Wolves(£30), 47/8  A.Villa(£18), Blackburn(£18), Blackpool(fld)(£15)Bolton(fld)(£18), Bradford (FAC)(fld)(£15), Burnley(sl mk)(£15), Charlton(flds)(£18), Chelsea(fld)(£16), Colchester(FR)(£30), Derby(£18), Everton(fld)(£15), Grimsby(sl fld)(£15), Huddersfield(£18), Liverpool(£40), Man City(£18), Man Utd(sl cr)(£25), Middlesbro(£18), Portsmouth(£18), Preston(£18), Sheff Utd(sl fld)(£14),  Stoke(£18), Sunderland(£18), Tottenham(RES)(fld)(£14), Wolves(£18),  48/9 A.Villa(£16), Birmingham(fld)(£10), Blackpool(£15), Bolton(£16), Burnley(£16), Charlton(£16), Chelsea(fld)(£12), Derby(£16), Everton(£16), Huddersfield(£16), Man City(15), Liverpool(4 page)(£40), Man Utd(£35), Middlesbro(sl cr)(£10), Newcastle(£15),  Preston(£16), Sheff Utd (£16), Southend(RES)(fld/sl tr along fold )(£8), Stoke(£16), Sunderland(£16), Tottenham(FAC)(£16), Tottenham|(RES)(sl fld0(£16), Wolves(£16),  49/50 A.Villa)(£12), Birmingham(£12), Bolton(£12), Blackpool(£12), Brighton(RES)(FCC)(sl fld)(£12), Burnley(FAC)(£12), Charlton(£12), Chelsea(£12), Chelsea(RES)(FCC)(£15), C.Palace (RES)(£15),  Derby(£12), Everton(£12), Fulham(£12), Fulham(RES)(fld)(£9) ,Huddersfield(£12), Leeds(FAC)(£14), Leicester(RES)(£15),  Liverpool(r/s)(£14), Man City(£12), Man Utd(fld)(£18), Middlesbro(sl fld)(£10), Newcastle(£12), Portsmouth(£14), Sheff Wed(FAC)(fld)(£10), Stoke(£12), Sunderland(£12), Swansea(FAC)(£12), WBA(£12), Wolves(£12), 50/1  A.Villa(sl cr)(£8), Blackpool(£10), Bolton(£10), Burnley(£12), Carlisle(FAC)(£12), Charlton(fld)(£10), Chelsea(sl cr)(£8), Coventry(RES)(£14), Derby(£10), Everton(£12), Fulham(£10), Huddersfield(£10), Liverpool(£14), Man Utd(£25), Middlesbro(£12),  Millwall(RES)(fld)(£10), Newcastle(£10),  Northampton(FAC)(£12), Northampton(RES)(£12), Portsmouth(£10), Sheff Wed(£12), Stoke(£12), Sunderland(£12), Swansea(RES)(sl fld)(£12), Tottenham(£12), WBA(£12),Wolves(£12), 51/2 A.Villa(£9), Barnsley(FAC)(£10), Blackpool(sl mk)(£7), Bolton(£9), Brighton(RES)(CC)(£sl mk)(£7), Bristol Rovers(RES)(cr)(£6), Burnley(sl fld)(£7), Charlton(sof)(£8), Chelsea(£10), Derby(£9), Fulham(£9), Harwich & Parkestone(RES)(cr/sl tr)(£5), Hendon(LFACC) (4 page fld)(£10)), Huddersfield(£9), Liverpool(£12), Man City(£9), Man Utd(fld)(£15), Middlesbro(£9), Newcastle(£9), Portsmouth(£10), Preston(£9), Stoke(sof)(£7), Sunderland(£10), Swindon(RES)(flds)(£7),  Tottenham(£10), Wealdstone(LSCC Final)(4 page sl cr)(£8), Watford(RES)(£10)WBA(fld)(£7), (cr)(£4), Wolves(fld)(£6), 52/3  A.Villa(£8), A.Villa(FAC)(£8), Blackpool(£9), Blackpool(FAC)(£9), Bolton(£9), Burnley(£9), Bury(FAC)(£9), Cardiff(£8), Cardiff(RES)( tr)(£6),  Charlton(£9), Chelsea(£10), Derby(fld)(£7), Doncaster(FAC)(£9), Liverpool(£9), Man City(£9), Man Utd(sl cr)(£8), Middlesbro(£9), Millwall(RES)(£8), Newcastle(£9), Northampton(RES)(sl mk)(£10), Norwich((Res)(fld)(£7), Portsmouth(£9), Preston(£8), Sheff Wed(£9), Stoke(£9), Sunderland(£9), Tottenham(£9), WBA(sl mk)(£7), Tottenham(£9), West Ham(RES)(fld)(£8), Wolves(£9),  53/4 A.Villa(Jan)(r/s)(£7),  A. Villa(May)(r/s)(£6), A.Villa(FAC)(sl r/s)(£7), Blackpool(sl tr)(£5), Blackpool(fld)(auto L .Smith)(£10), Bolton(£8), Burnley(£8), Cardiff (£7), Charlton(£9), Chelsea(fld)(£8), Huddersfield(sl fld)(£7), Leicester(RES)(£9),  Liverpool(£10), Man City(£8), Man Utd(sl fld)(£15), Middlesbro(sl r/s)(£6), Millwall(RES)(£8), Newcastle(sl r/s)(£7), Norwich(FAC)(£9), Pl,ymouth(RES)(sl mk)(£6), Portsmouth(sl r/s)(£7), Preston(£8), Sheff Utd(£8), Sheff Wed(£8), Sunderland(£8), Tottenham(£8), Tottenham 53/4(FCC)(RES)(fld)(£10, WBA(fld)(£5), Wolves(£8), 54/5 A.Villa(£8), Blackpool(£8), Bolton(fld)(£5), Burnley(£8), Cardiff(£8), Cardiff(FAC)(£8), Charlton(£8), Chelsea(r/s)(£7), Everton(£7), Huddersfield(fld)(£6), Leicester(sl r/s)(£7), Man City(sl r/s)(£7), Man Utd(£15), Newcastle(sl r/s)(£6), Norwich(RES)(fld)(£8), Portsmouth(£8), Preston(sl fld)(£6), Preston(sl mk)(£4), Sheff Utd(£8), Sheff Wed(£8), Southend(RES)(£9), Sunderland(£8), Tottenham(£8), Tottenham(RES)(1 ph)(£7), WBA(£8), West Ham(LFACCFinal)(sl fld)(£7_. Wolves(£8),  55/6  A.Villa(£7), A.Villa(FAC)(£7), Birmingham(£7), Birmingham(FAC)(4 page)(cr)(£5), Blackpool(£7), Bolton(£67, Bristol City(RES)(fld)(£5), Burnley(£7) , Cardiff(£7), Charlton(£7), Chelsea(sl r/s)(£6), Huddersfield(4 page)(£15), Everton(4 page)(£35),  Luton(4 page)(£12), Man. City(£7), Man Utd(4 fld)(£14), Millwall(RES)(£7), Newcastle(sl r/s)(£6), Portsmouth(£7), Preston(fld)(£6), Sheff Utd(£7), Sunderland(£7), Tottenham(£7), Tottenham(RES)(fld(£7), Watford(RES)(fld)(£6), WBA(sl cr)(£5), Wolves(£7), 56/7 A.Villa(sl fld)(£4.50), Birmingham(£6), BIrmingham(FAC)(4 page)(£15), Blackpool(£6), Bolton(sl mk)(£5), Brighton(RES)(£8), Burnley(£6), Cardiff((sl mk)(£4), Charlton(sl mk)(£5), Chelsea(£6), Everton(£6), Leeds(£15), L Orient(FR)(£10), Luton(£6), Man City(£6), Man Utd(£15), (r/s)(£10), Newcastle(£6), Portsmouth(£6), Preston(£6), Preston(FAC)(fld)(£4), Sheff Wed(£7), Stoke(FAC)(£6), Sunderland(£6), Tottenham(£6), WBA(£6), WBA(FAC)(£6), West Ham(RES)(£8), Wolves(£6), 57/8  A.Villa(£6), Birmingham(£6), Blackpool(£6), Bolton(£6), Burnley(£6), Chelsea (£6), Everton(£6), Leicester(£6), Leeds(sof)(£5), Leicester(£6), Luton(£6), Man City(£5), Newcastle(£6), Notts Forest(sl fld)(£5), Portsmouth(sl cr)(£4), Preston(£6), QPR(RES)(£7), Sheff Wed(£6), Sunderland(£6), Swindon(RES)(sl tr)(£4), Tottenham(£6), Tottenham(RES)(£8), WBA, West Ham(RES)(£7),  Wolves(£6),   58/9 A.Villa(£5), Birmingham(£5), Blackburn(£5), Blackpool(£5), Bolton(£5), Burnley(£5), Chelsea(£5), Colchester(FAC)(£5), Everton(£5), Leeds(£5), Leicester(£5), Luton(£5), Man City(£5), Man Utd(£5), Newcastle(£5), Notts Forest(£5), Portsmouth(sl cr)(£3), Preston(£5), Sheff Utd(FAC)(£5), Tottenham(£5), WBA(£5), West Ham(£5), Wolves(£5), 59/60 Birmingham(£5), Blackburn(£5), Blackpool(£5), Bolton(£5), Burnley(£5),  Chelsea(£5), Everton(£5), Fulham(£5), Leeds(£5), Leicester(£5), Leicester(SPFC)(fld)(£7), Luton(£5), Man City(£5), Man Utd(£5), Newcastle(£5), Notts Forest(£5), Preston(£5), Rotherham(FAC)(£5), Sheff Wed(£5), Tottenham(£5), WBA(£5), West Ham(£5), West Ham(SPFC)(£8),Wolves(£5), 60/1(£4) A.Villa(sl fld)£3), Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Cardiff, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Leicester, Man City, Man Utd(fld)(£2.50), Newcastle, Notts Forest, Peterboro(FAC)(£%), Preston,  Sheff Wed, Tottenham(£10), WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 61/2(£3.50) Blackpool, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Brad City(FAC), Burnley, Cardiff, Chelsea, Colchester(RES)(fld)(£4), Everton, Fulham, Ipswich(£5), Leicester, Man City, Man Utd, Notts Forest(mkd)(£1.50), Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Tottenham, Tottenham(LFA CC)(fld)(£8), WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 62/3(£3) A.Villa(sl mk)(£2.50), Birmingham, Blackpool, Blackburn, Bolton, Burnley, Everton, Fulham, Ipswich, Leicester, Leyton Orient(£5), Liverpool(FAC), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd(fld)(£2), Sheff Wed(FAC), Sheff Wed, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wolves,  63/4(£2.50) A.Villa, Birmingham(mkd)(£1.50), Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton Burnley, Everton, Fulham, Ipswich, Leicester, Liverpool, Liverpool(FAC)(fld)(£2.25), Man Utd, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed((sl cr)(£1.50), Stoke, Tottenham, WBA, WBA(FAC), West Ham, Wolves, Wolves(FAC), 64/5(£2.50) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Burnley, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Leeds(£3.50), Leicester, Liverpool(fld), Man Utd, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd , Sheff Wed, Stoke(sl mk)(£2), Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA(sl fld)(£1.50), West Ham, Wolves(£3),  65/6(£2.50) A Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool, Burnley, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Leicester, Liverpool, Man Utd, Newcastle, Northampton(sl cr/sof)(£2), Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, 66/7(£2.50) A.Villa, Blackpool, Bolton(FAC), Burnley, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Gillingham(2nd Rep 28/9)(£6), Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham (LC), West Ham, 67/8(£2) Birmingham(FAC), Blackburn(LC), Burnley, Burnley(LC), Burnley, Coventry, Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Fulham, Ipswich(CCs/f)(s/s)(cr)£4), Leicester, Leeds(£3), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, Reading (LC)(£5),(fld)(£3),  Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed(Dec)(sof), Sheff Wed(Apr)(sof), Shrewsbury(FAC), Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, Walsall((RES)(s/s)(£4), WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 68/9(£1.50) Blackpool(LC)(£2), Burnley, Cardiff(FAC), Charlton(FAC), Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(£2), Leicester, Liverpool, Liverpool(LC)(£2), Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, QPR, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Stoke,  Sunderland , Sunderland(LC), Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wolves,  69/70(£1.25) Blackpool(FAC), Burnley, Chelsea, Coventry, Derby, C.Palace, Everton, Everton(LC), Ipswich, Leeds(£3), Liverpool(£2), Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Southampton(LC)(£2.50), Stoke, Sunderland(sof)(60p), Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, West Ham(RES)((card)£8), Wolves, 70/1(£2) Burnley, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace(t/m)(£1), C.Palace(LC)(£2)), Derby(t/m)(90p), Everton(t/m)(£1.25), Huddersfield(£2), Ipswich(LC)(sof)(£1), Ipswich, Leeds(£2.50), Leicester(FAC)(£3), Liverpool(cr0(£1), Man City, Newcastle(£2.50), Notts Forest(t/m), Southampton(t/m fld)(60p), Stoke, Tottenham(t/m), West Ham(£2), Wolves(fld)(£2),  71/2(£1) Barnsley(LC), Chelsea, Coventry(t/m)(60p), C.Palace Derby, Derby(FAC)(cr)(50p), Everton, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£2), Newcastle, Newcastle(LC), Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Utd(LC)(t/m)(60p), Southampton(sl fld)(80p), Stoke, Tottenham(£3), WBA(t/m/t/c)(60p), West Ham, Wolves(t/c)(£1.50), 72/3(£1) Birmingham, Brad City(FAC), Chelsea, Chelsea(FAC), Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Everton, Everton(LC), Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Leicester(FAC), Liverpool, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich(LC), Norwich, Rotherham(LC), Sheff Utd, Southampton, Stoke, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 73/4(£1) A.Villa(FAC), Birmingham, Burnley, Chelsea, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(£.50), Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Newcastle(FAC)(£4), QPR, Sheff Utd, Southampton, Stoke, Tottenham(£1.50), Tranmere(LC)(£1.50), West Ham, Wolves(t/m,fld)(£3), Wolves(FAC 3rd place play off)(£10), 74/5(£1) Birmingham, Burnley, Carlisle(£4.50), Chelsea, Coventry, Coventry(FAC), Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(£2), Leicester, Leicester(LC), Leicester(FAC), Liverpool(fld)60p), Luton, Man City, Middlesbro, Newcastle, QPR, Sheff Utd, Stoke, West Ham(£2), West Ham(FAC)(£2), Wolves(sob)(£1), York(FAC), 75/6(£1) A.Villa(£2), Birmingham(£3), Burnley(£2), Coventry(£2), Derby, Everton, Everton(LC)(£2), Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool(£2), Man Utd(£3), Man City, Middlesbro, Newcastle, Norwich, QPR, Sheff Utd, Tottenham, West Ham, Wolves(£2.50),  76/7 (80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackpool(LC)(Sep), Blackpool(LC)(Oct), Bristol City, Carlisle(LC)(£1.50),  Chelsea(LC), Coventry(£2), Coventry(FAC), Derby(£2), Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£2.50), Man Utd(LC)(cr)(30p), Middlesbro, Newcastle(£2.50), Norwich, QPR, Southampton(sl fld)(50p), Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham(£2), WBA, West Ham(£1.50), 77/8(80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Bristol City, Chelsea, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Hull(LC), Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man City(LC)(sl cr)(50p), Man Utd, Man Utd(LC)(£2), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest, QPR, Southampton(LC), Walsall(FAC), WBA, West Ham, Wolves(FAC), Wolves(£1.50), 78/9(80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Bolton, Bristol City, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace(FR)(£3), Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(£3.50), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Norwich,  Notts County(FAC), Norwich , Notts Forest(£2), QPR, SheffWed(FAC), Sheff Wed(FAC 3rd replay @ Filbert sSt)(£5),  ‘Southampton(FAC), Southampton, Tottenham, WBA, Wolves, 79/80(80p) A.Villa, Bolton, Bolton(FAC), Brighton, Brighton(LC), Brighton(FAC), Bristol City, Cardiff(FAC), Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leeds(LC), Liverpool, Man.City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Norwich, Notts Forest, Southampton(LC), Southampton, Stoke, Swindon(LC)(£2), Tottenham, WBA,. Wolves, 80/1(80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Brighton, Chelsea(RES)(s/s,fld)(£3), Coventry, C.Palace, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Norwich(£1.50), Notts Forest, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea(LC)(£2), Tottenham, WBA, Wolves, 81/2(80p) A.Villa(£2), Birmingham, Brighton, Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool(£3), Liverpool(LC), Man City, Man Utd(£2), Middlesbro, Norwich(LC), Notts County, Notts Forest, QPR(s/s,fld)(£3), Sheff Utd(LC), Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham(£1.50), WBA(£1.50), West Ham, Wolves, 82/3(80p) A.Villa, A.Villa(FAC)(£2), Birmingham, Bolton(FAC), Brighton, Brighton(RES)(s/s, fld)(£3), Cardiff(LC), Coventry, Everton, Everton(MC)(£1.20), Huddersfield(MC), Ipswich, Leeds(FAC)(£3), Leeds(FAC)(2nd replay)(£5),Liverpool(£2), Luton, Man City(£2), Man Utd£3), Middlesbro(FAC), Norwich, Notts County, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed(MC), Southampton, Stoke, Swansea, Sunderland, Tottenham(£1.50), Watford, WBA, West Ham(£3), FAC token form…full (£3),  83/4(80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Camb Utd (FAYC)(s/s)(sof)(£3), Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leicester, Leicester(RES)(s/s.fld)(£3), Liverpool, Luton, Man Utd, Norwich, Notts County, Notts Forest(£2), Plymouth(MC), QPR, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, Walsall(MC), Watford, WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 84/5(80p)  Australia(FR)(£4), A.Villa, Bristol Rovers(MC), Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Hereford(FAC), Ipswich, Ipswich(12/1)(£5), Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest(£2), QPR, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, Tottenham(SECL Final)(£4), Watford(Dec), Watford(Mar), WBA(Dec), WBA(Apr), West Ham,  85/6(80p) A.Villa, A.Villa(MC), Birmingham, Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Hereford(MC), Ipswich, Leicester, Liverpool(£2), Luton, Luton(FAC), Man City, Man Utd(£2),  Newcastle(£6), Notts Forest, Oxford, QPR, Rotherham(FAC)(£1.50), Sheff Wed, Southampton(MC), Southampton, Tottenham, Watford(£2), WBA, West Ham(£2), 86/7(80p) A.Villa, Barnsley(FAC), Charlton(LC), Charlton(£2), Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Huddersfield(LC), Leicester, Liverpool, Luton(£1.50), Man City(LC)(t/m)(50p), Man City(t/m)(80p), Man Utd, Newcastle(£2), Norwich(£2), Notts Forest, Notts Forest(LC), Oxford(t/m)60p), Plymouth(FAC), QPR, Sheff Wed9T/M)(40P), Southampton, Tottenham, Watford(FAC), Watford, West Ham(£2), Wimbledon,  87/8(80p) Bournemouth(LC), Charlton, Chelsea(£1.50),  Coventry, Derby, Doncaster(LC)(£3.50), Everton, Liverpool, Luton, Man Utd, Man Utd(FAC), Millwall(FAC)(£2.50), Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest, Notts F(FAC), Oxford, Portsmouth(£2), QPR, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Stoke(LC), Tottenham, Watford(£2.50), West Ham, Wimbledon, 88/9 (80p) A.Villa,  Coventry, Derby, Everton, Hull(LC), Liverpool(LC), Liverpool(LC 2nd REP)(£2.50), Liverpool(£3), Liverpool(Merc Credit s/f)(£4), Luton, Man Utd(£2), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Millwall, Norwich(fld)(50p), Notts Forest, QPR, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham,  West Ham, West Ham(FAC), Wimbledon, 89/90(80p) A.Villa, Charlton, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Everton, Liverpool(LC), Liverpool, Luton, Man City, Man Utd(£2.50), Millwall, Norwich, Notts Forest, Plymouth(LC), QPR, QPR(FAC), Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Tottenham(SJFCLFinal)(£4), Wimbledon, 90/1(80p) A.Villa, Camb Utd(FAC), Chelsea, Chester(RC), Coventry(£2), C.Palace, Derby(£2), Everton, Leeds(FAC)27/1, Leeds(FAC)13/2, Leeds(£2), Liverpool, Liverpool(Thomas/Le Tiss on cover£2), Luton(£3), Man City, Man Utd(£3), Man Utd(RC), Millwall(SJfc Final)(£4), Norwich, Notts Forest, QPR, Reading(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£3), Sheff Utd, Southampton, Sunderland(FAC), Sunderland, Tottenham, Wimbledon, 91/2(£1) A.Villa, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Everton, Leeds(£4), Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Man City, Man Utd, Norwich (DEC), Norwich(FEB), Notts County, Notts Forest, Oldham, QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Southampton(£2), Tottenham, Tottenham(SJFC-Final)(£4), West Ham, Wimbledon, 92/3(£1) A.Villa, Blackburn, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leeds(FAC), Liverpool(£4), Man City, Man Utd(£5), Middlesbro, Millwall(CCC), Millwall(SJFC-Final)()£4), Norwich, Notts Forest, Notts Forest(FAC), Notts Forest(CCC), Oldham, QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Wimbledon, 93/4(£1) A.Villa(£3), A.Villa(CCC), Blackburn, Bolton(FAC), Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Huddersfield(CCC), Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool(£3), Man City, Man Utd(£3), Newcastle, Norwich, Norwich(CCC), Oldham(£2.50),  QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed,  Southampton,  Swindon(£2.50), Tottenham(£4), West Ham(£2), Wimbledon(£2),  94/5(£1)  Blackburn, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Everton, Hartlepool(CCC), Ipswich, Leeds(£3), Leicester, Liverpool(£4), Man City(£2.50), Man Utd(£2.50), Millwall(FAC), Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest, Oldham(CCC), QPR, Sheff Wed, Sheff Wed(CCC), Southampton, Tottenham(£3),Tottenham(RES)(s/s)(£2.50) West Ham, Wimbledon(£2), Wimbledon(SJFC-Final)(£4),   95/6(£1) A.Villa, Blackburn, Bolton, Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Hartlepool(CCC)(£2), Leeds(£2), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£3), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Newcastle(CCC)(£4), Notts Forest, QPR, Sheff Utd(FAC), Sheff Wed, Sheff Wed(CCC), Southampton, Stoke(CCC), Sunderland(FAC), Tottenham(£4), West Ham(£2), Wimbledon, 96/7(£1) A.Villa, Blackburn,  Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace(SJFC-Final)(£3), Derby, Everton, Leeds, Leeds(FAC), Leicester, Liverpool(£2.50), Middlesbro, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Stoke(CCC), Sunderland, Sunderland(FAC),  Tottenham(£3), West Ham, Wimbledon, 97/8(££1.30) A.Villa, Barnsley(£2.50), Birmingham(CCC), Blackburn, Bolton, Chelsea(£2.50), Coventry, Coventry(CCC), C.Palace, C Palace(FAC), Derby, Everton, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool(£3), Man Utd(£3), Newcastle|(£3), Port Vale(FAC)(£3), Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Tottenham(FA YL Play Off Final)(4 page)(£3), West Ham(£3), West Ham(FAC)(£3), Wimbledon, 98/9(£1.30) A.Villa, Blackburn, Charlton, Chelsea, Chelsea(WC), Coventry, Derby, Derby(FAC), Everton, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool(£3),  Man Utd(£2.50), Middlesbro, Newcastle,  Notts Forest, Sheff Utd(FAC),  Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham(£4), West Ham, Wimbledon, 99/00(£1.50)  A.Villa, Blackpool(FAC), Brad City, Chelsea, Coventry, Crewe(AC League U 17 Final)(£3), Derby, Everton, Huddersfield(WC), Leeds, Leicester(FAC), Leicester, Liverpool, Man City(sl fld)(80p), Man Utd(£3), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Preston(WC), Sheff Wed, Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, Watford, West Ham, Wimbledon,  00/1(£1.50) A.Villa, Blackburn(FAC), Brad City, (teamsheet)(£1), Charlton, Chelsea, Chelsea(FAC), Coventry, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Ipswich(WC), Leeds(£4), Leicester, Liverpool, man City(£3), Man Utd(£3), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham(£5), West Ham, 01/2(£1.50) A.Villa, Blackburn, Bolton,  Charlton, Chelsea(£3), Derby, Everton,  Grimsby(WC), Ipswich, Fulham, Gillingham(FAC)(£3), Grimsby(WC), Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Liverpool(FAC), Man Utd(£3), Man Utd(FAC)(£3), Middlesbro, Newcastle(FAC)(£3), Newcastle,  Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham, 02/3(£1.50) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Charlton, Chelsea(£4), Chelsea(FAC)(£4), Charlton, Everton, (Farnboro)(FAC)(away@Home!), Fulham, Leeds, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£3), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Oxford(FAC), Southampton, Sunderland, Sunderland(WC), Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, 03/4(£3) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn. Bolton, Charlton, Chelsea, Chelsea(FAC), Everton, Fulham, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£4), Middlesbro, Middlesbro(FAC), Newcastle, Portsmouth, Rotherham(CC), Southampton,  Tottenham,  Wolces, 04/5(£1.50) A.Villa, BirminghamBlackburn, Bolton, Charlton, Chelsea(£3), C.Palace, Everton(CC), Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Man City(£3), Man Utd(sl tr)(50p), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Man Utd(£3), Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheff Utd(FAC), Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheff Utd(FAC),  Southampton, Stoke(FAC),  Tottenham, WBA, Wolves(FAC)(£3), 05/6(£2)  A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Cardiff, Charlton , Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Man City(£3), Man Utd, Middlesbro, Portsmouth, Reading, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA(sl fld)(£1), West Ham, Wigan(last at Highbury…comes with brochure)(£5.50) 06/7(£1.50) A.Villa, Blackburn, Blackburn(FAC), Bolton(FAC), Bolton, Charlton, Chelsea(£4), Everton, Fulham, Liverppool, Man City(£2.50), Man Utd, Middlesbro, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, Watford, Tottenham, West Ham, Wigan, 07/8(££1.50) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Chelsea(£4), Derby, Everton(£2.50), Fulham, Liverpool, Man City(£3), Man Utd, Middlersbro, Newcastle, Newcastle(CCC), Newcastle(FAC), Portsmouth, Reading, Sunderland, Topttenham, West Ham, Wigan, 08/9(£1.50) A.Villa, Blackburn, Bolton, Burnley(FAC), Cardiff(FAC), Chelsea(£5), Everton, Fulham, Hull, Hull(FAC), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£4), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Plymouth(FAC), Portsmouth, Sheff Utd(CC), Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham(£4), Wigan, WBA, West Ham, Wigan, Wigan(CC),  09/10(£2), A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton, Bolton(6th Jan)(£4), Burnley, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Hull, Liverpool, Liverpool(CC), Man City, Man Utd, Portsmouth, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA(CC), West Ham, Wigan, Wolves,   10/11(£2) A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Huddersfield(FAC), Leeds(FAC), L Orient(FAC), Liverpool, Man City(£3), Man Utd, Newcastle, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wigan(CC), Wigan, Wolves  11/12(£2) A.Villa, A.Villa(FAC), Blackburn, Bolton, Bolton(CC), Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Leeds(FAC), Liverpool, Man City, Man City(CC), Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich, QPR, Shrewsbury(CC),  Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, WBA, Wigan, Wolves 12/13 (£2)  A.Villa, Blackburn(FAC), Chelsea, Coventry(CC), Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich, QPR, Reading, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea(FAC), Swansea, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wigan  13/14(£2) A.Villa, Cardiff, Chelsea, Chelsea(CC), Coventry, C.Palace, Everton, Everton(FAC), Fulham, Hull, Liverpool, Liverpool(FAC), Man City(woth Weger 1000 game chart)(£5),  Man Utd,  Newcastle, Norwich, Southampton, Stoke(with copy of VOL1 no1 of Woolwich Arsenal Prog)(£4), Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, Tottenham(FAC), WBA, WEst Ham,  14/15(£2) A.Villa, Burnley, Chelsea, C.Palace, Everton, Hull, Hull(FAC), Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Newcastle, QPR, Southampton, Southampton(CC), QPR, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham 15/16 (£2) a.Villa Bournemouth, Burnley,Chelsea, C.Palace, Everton,Hull(FAC), Leicester, Liverpool, Man City(£3), Man Utd(£3), Norwich,  Newcastle, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Sunderland(FAC), Swansea,  Watford, Tottenham, Watford(FAC), WBA, West Ham,  16/17(£2.50) Bournemouth, Burnley, C.Palace, Chelsea, Everton, Hull, Leicester, Lincoln(FAC), Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Reading(EFL), Southampton, Southampton(EFL), Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, Watford, WBA,WHU 17/18 (£2.50)  Bournemouth, Brighton,Burnley-with “22 Gun salute to A Wenger)(£5), Chelsea, C.Palace, Doncaster(CC), Everton, Huddersfeild, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich(CC), Southampton, Stoke, Swansea, Tottenham, Watford, West Ham, West Ham(CC), WBA 18/19(£2.50) Blackpool(LC), Bournemouth, Brentford(CC), Brighton, Burnley, Cardiff(FAC), C.Palace, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Huddersfield, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Man Utd(FAC), Newcastle, Southampton, Tottenham, Tottenham(CC), Watford, West Ham, Wolves 19/20(£3.50) A.Villa, Bournemouth, Brighton, Burnley, Chelsea, C Palace, Everton, Leeds(FAC)(£5), Liverpool, Man C(£5), Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich(£5), Notts F(CCC), Sheff Utd, Tottenham, Wolves(£5), 20/21 (£4) A.Villa, Brighton, Burnley, Chelsea, C Palace, Everton, Fulham , Leeds,, Leicester, Liverpool, Man C(£5), Man C(CCC)(£5), Man Utd, Newcastle, Newcastle(FAC), Sheff Utd, Southampton, Tottenham, Tottenham, Wolves, 21/2(£3) A.Villa, Burnley, Cheslea, C Palace, Man City, Newcastle, Southampton, Tottenham, Watford, 22/23 Camb Utd(FAYC)(s/s)(£3),   SPECIALS…European Homes… 63/4 Staevnet(£8), RF Liegeois(sl fld)(£5), 69/70 Bacau(£3), Glentoran(£5), Rouen(£2.50), Sporting Port(£3.50),.70/1, Sturm Graz(£3), Beveren Waas(£3.50), Lazio(£3), Koln(£3), 71/2 Ajax(£3), Grasshoppers(£5), copy(t/m)(£2.25), Stroemsgodset(t/m)£3.50), 78/9Hadjuk Split(£1.50), Loko Leipzig(£1.50), Red Star(£1.50), ..79/80 Fenerbache(£1.25), Magdeburg(£1.25), Gothenburg(£1.25), …81/2 Panathinaikos(£2), Winterslag(£2),  …82/3 Spartak Moscow(£2), 91/2 Austria Memphis(£3), Benfica(£2), ..93/4 Odense(£2), Standard Liege(£2), Torino(£6), Paris St Germain(£2.50), . 94/5 Auxerre(£2), Brondby(£2.50), O Nicosia((£3.50), 95/6 B Monchengaldbach(£2), 97/8 PAOK (£2), 98/9 D Kiev(£2.50), Panathinaikos(£2.50), Panathinaikos(cr)(£1), RC Lens(£3), 99/00 AIK Solna(£2.50), Barcelona(£2),. Bremen(£3), Nantes(£2.50), Deportivo(£2.50), Nantes(£2), Werder(£2.50), Barcelona(£7.50), Fiorentina£2.50), 00/1  O Lyonnaise(£4), Lazio(£2.50), Spartak(£2.50), Shaktar (£2.50), Sparta Prague(£3), Bayern M(£3), Valencia(£3), 01/2 Juventus(£3), Panathinaikos(£2.50), Schalke(£2.50), Deportivo(£2.50), B Leverkusen(£3),  Real Mallorca(£3), 02/3 Roma(£3), Ajax(£2.50), Auxerre(£2.50),  Valencia(£2), PSV Eindhoven(£2.50),  Bor Dortmund(£2.50),..03/4 D Kiev(£3), Chelsea(£3), Inter Milan(£3.50), L Moscow(£3), C Vigo(£3) 04/5 Rosenburg(£3), Panathinikos(£3), PSV Eindhoiven)£3), Bayern Munich(£3), 05/6 Ajax(£4), Juventus(£3), FC Thun(£4), R Madrid(£3), Sparta Prague(£3), Villareal(£2),  06/7 PSV Eindhoven(£3), Hamburg(£3), Porto(£3), CSKA Moscow(£3), D Zagreb 07/8 Sparta Prague(£2), AC Milan(£2), Steaua Buch(£3), Slavia Prague(£2), Seville(£2), 08/9 Dynamo Kiev(£3), Fenerbache(£3), Porto(£4), Roma(£3), Twente(£2),  Villarreal(£4), 09/10 Alkmaar(£3), Barcelona(£2), Celtic(£3), Olympiacos(£3), Porto(£2), Standard Liege(£2), 10/11 Braga(£2), Shak Donetsk(£2), Partizan Belgrade(£2), Barcelona(£3),  11/12 AC Milan(£2), B Dortmund(£3), Olympiacos(£3), Udinese(£3), Marseille(£3), 12/13 Bayern M(£3), Montpellier(£3), Shalke(£3), Olypiacos(£3),  13/14 Fenerbahce (£3), Marseille(£3), Bayern M (£3), Napoli(£3), B Dortmu8nd(£3), 14/15 Galatasaray(£3), Monaco(£3), B Dortmund(£3), Anderlecht(£3), Besiktas(£3), 15/16(£3) Barcelona, Olympiacos, D Zagreb, B Munich, 16/17(£3) Ludogorets, Basle, B Munich, P St Germain, 17/18(£3) CSKA Moscow, AC Milan, Ostersunds, B Borisov, Cologne,R S Belgrade, A Madrid, 18/19 (£3) Sporting CP, V. Poltavu,Qaraboa,B Borisov, Rennes, Napoli,19/20(£3) Olympiacos, S Liege, Vitoria, E Frankfurt, Benfica 20/1(£5) Dundalk, S Prague, Olympiacos, R Vienna, …..EUROPEAN AWAYS..71/2 Ajax(sl cr)(£18), Stromsgodset(£20), 78/9 Loko Leipzig(sl mk)(£2), 79/80 v Magdeburg(£3), 81/2Winterslag(£2), 94/5 Auxerre(£3), 96/7 B Moenchen (£4), 97/8 PAOK(£4), 98/9 Panathinaikos(£4), 99/00 Deportivo(fld)(£6), Nantes(£5), Werder Bremen (£2.50), 00/1 v Sparta Prague(£5),  02/3 Auxerre(£3), PSV((£3), Valencia(£2),   04/5 Rosenborg(£3), Bayern Munich(£5),  05/6 R Madrid(£4), FC Thun (inc Ajax, Sparta P Fc Thun)(£4), 09/10 Olympiakos(sl fld)(£5) 10/11 Partizan Belgrade(£3), 11/12 Olympiacos9£3.50), ,.. TESTIMONIALS….v 62/3 Rangers (Kelsey)(£4),  73/4 v  Barcelona(Armstrong)(£4), 75/6 v Feyernoord(Storey)(£6), Welsh X1 v LondonX1(Barnes)(£5), 76/7 v Tottenham(Simpson)(£8), v v Hadjuk Split(Radford)(sl cr)(£4), 77/8v Tottenham(Rice)(£3), 80/1 v Celtic(Nelson)(£1), 84/5 v Tottenham(Jennings)(£1.50), 86/7 v Celtic(O`Leary)(£3), 90/1 v Liverpool(Kennedy)(£5) v Tottenham(Rix)(£1.50), 1991 Paul Davidies Brochure)(£3), 91/2 v Celtic(£2.50), 92/3 v Man Utd(O`Leary)(£3), 94/5  v C Palace(Adams)(£3), 95/6 v Intl Select X1(Merson)(£3), v Sampdoria(Smith)(£4),  99/00 v Real Madrid(Dixon)(£3), 00/1 v Barcelona(Seaman)(£3), 01/2 v Celtic(Adams)(£4), Paul Davis Test Broch(sl fld)(£1.50), 95/6 v Sampdoria(Smith)(£3), Intl Select(Merson)(£3), 96/7 v Rangers(Winterburn)(£2),  Ted Drake Test Brochure. Drake)(£8), FRIENDLIES .. 49/50(AIK(fld)(£18), 51/2 v Rangers(s fld)(£15), Hapoel Tel Aviv(sl fld)(£12), 52/3 v  Tottenham(Charity Match)(£12), London v Berlin(cr)(£7), 53/4  Anderlecht(fld//sl tr)(£15), Portugesa de Desportos (4 page)(£10), Preston(sl fld)(£15), Racing Club Paris(£18), South Africa(sof/sl sp dam)(£12), 54/5 v Grasshoppers(£10), Maccabi Tel Aviv(sl mk)(£16), Rangers(£8), Spartak (r/s)(£6),  55/6 England Amateur X1(sl mk/t/c)(£24), Clyde(£25), 56/7 British Olympic X1(£6), Red Star(£5), 57/8 v HapoelTel Aviv(£10), Eintract Frankfurt(fld)(£15), Lausanne(tatty)(£1.50), Lausanne  58/9 Juventus(£5), Rangers(£5), 59/60 Grasshoppers(£5), L Orient(sof)(£7), West Ham(£6),  60/1 SwedenX1(£20), 61/2 Dundee(£6), D Kiev(£6)  ..62/3 Real Madrid(£4), 65/6 v BrazilX1(£2.50), Moscow Dynamo(£3.50), ..66/7 Cardiff(Aberfan)(cr)(£5), Dunfermline(£7.50), 67/8 Rangers(£5)(sof)(£3),..64/5 v West Ham(LCCFinal)(fld)(£18), 56/7 v C Palace(SFCC)(sl fld)(£10),  v West Ham(SFJC)(£10), 69/70 v Omonia(s/s)(fld)(£9), ..71/2Benfica(fld)(£1),  88/9 v France(Fr)(£2), ..95/6Inter Milan(£2), …69/70 v Italian Under 21(£2.50), Watford v Man Utd(FA Cup 3rd place play off)(£2.50),  away friendlies , 60/1 Sweden v Arsenal(£26), 62/3 Barnet((£14), 63/4 v Hamburg(£30), Hitchin (£20), 64/5 Stevenage (£10), Stuttgart(£20), 66/7 Charlton(£3), Wellingboro 67/8(£3), Hertha BSC (£7),  68/9 Landslid(Iceland)(£35), 73/4 Kettering(£8),  77/8Aldershot(£3),  Luton(£8), 78/9 Lyngby(sl cr)(£6), 04/5 NK Maribor(£3), ….91/2 Makita Tournament(£3), European Super Cup 94/5v A.C.Milan(£8), ..Fa Premier Academy Play Off Final 99/00v West Ham(£2)  Caltex Cup in Singapore v S Korea1990(£4), ,.REPRESENTATIVE GAMES AT HIGHBURY..  55/6 Burnley v Chelsea(FAC 3rd replay)(£8). 57/8 England v Austria(Youth)(sl fld)(£14), 59/60 Football League v Scottish League(£4), England v Young England(fld)(£3), Rotherham v Brighton(FAC)(£4), Rangers v Sparta Rotterdam(£5), Cardiff v Man C(FAC)(£6), 61/2 England v Young England(£4),  62/3 Bangor v Napoli(ECWC)(£3), England v Football League(£4), Football league v Italian League(£3), 64/5 England v Young England(£3), ..66/7 England V Young England(£3), 67/8 England v Young England(£3), 64/5 Romford v Enfield(FAC)(cr)(£3), Rangers v Red Star64/5(£3), 81/2 London FA v EnglandXI(4 page)(£2) .Michael Watson Fund  Benefit Day 1993(£1), SOUTHERN JUNIOR FLOODLIT FINAL v QPR(£2.50), Handbooks 50/1(£10), 54/5(sl mkd)(£5), 56/7(£6), 62/3(£5), 64/5(£5), 65/6(£5), 66/7(sl tr)(£2.50), 69/70(£4), 74/5(£3), 75/6(£3), 76/7(£3), 77/8(£3), 78/9(£4), 79/80(£3), 80/1(£3), 81/2(£3), 83/4(£3), 84/5(£3), 85/6(£3), 86/7(£3), 87/8(£3), 88/9(£3), 89/90(£3), 90/1(£3),  91/2(£3), 92/3(£3), 92/3(£3), 93/4(£4), 94/5(£3), 95/6(£4), 96/7(£4), 97/8(£4), 98/9(£5), 99/00(£5), 00/1(£5), 01/2(£5), 01/2(£5), 03/4(£4), 94/5(£5), 05/6(£5), 07/8(£5), 12/13(£5), 14/15(£5), 15/16(£5), 16/17(£5), 17/18(£5), 18/19(£5), 19/20(£4), 20/1(£6),   ….SUPPORTERS CLUB YEARBOOKS..(£3 EACH unless stated otherwise) 68/9(£4), 67/60(£3.50), 70/1(£5),  71/2(£5), 80/1, 81/2, 82/3, 83/4(SL MK)(£2), 84/5, 85/6, Members Yearbook 06/7(£4), 07/8(£4),08/9(Hardback)(£5),  09/10(£4), 10/11(£4), 11/12(£4), ..BOOKS,”The Official Story of Arsenal`s Double Year”1997/8(£12), ..ANNUALS…1980(£5), 1981(£5),.”INSIDE ARSENAL”..Brochure 07/8(£1), 08/9(£1),. Rangers v Arsenal(FR)1968(heavy cr)(£1.50), 51/2 Luton v Brentford(FAC) @ Arsenal(fld)(£12), 52/3 London v Berlin(sl tatty)(£5)58/9 Hendon v Tooting & M(LSCFinal)((fld)(£6), 59/60 Glasgow Rangers v Sparta(cr)(£3), 61/2 Supporters Membership Card(sl mk)(£2), Cardiff v Man City60/1(FAC) @ Highbury(cr)(£2.50), EUROPEAN CUP Q FINAL REPLAY Rangers v Sparta59/60 @ Highbury(£5), (cr)(£3),   “Arsenal Premier Champions 1998”(Magazine)(£1.50),  78/9 v Sheff Wed(FAC)(played at Filbert St Leicester 2nd Rplay(£3), 3rd Replay(£3), 4th Replay(£3),.AWAY FRIENDLY ..PSV 59/60(sl cr)(£10)..Gunflash  no 31(£6), 42(£5), 80 £4), 154(33), 155(£3), 215-224 are double season issues) 216(£4), 217(£4), 218(£4), 219(£4), 220(£4), 331(£4), 222(£4), 223(£4), 224(£4)double issue 505 & 506(£4),…Membership yearbook 09/10(£3),,,v 78/9 Sheff Wed(FAC 2nd Rep@ Filbert St)(£3..4th Replay @ Filbert St)(£3),…Replica of 57/8 v Man Utd(£3), Replica of 1950 Cup Final Arsenal v Liverpool(£3),………”LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 1947-8 PLAYERS SOUVENIR BROCHURE”(SMALL TEAR ON FRONT COVER OTHERWISE VERY GOOD)(£25),  TEAMSHEETS (£1 Each) 01/2 Notts Forest(cr)(50p), 08/9 vv Sunderland, v Tottenham, 09/10 Bolton, Liverpool, WBA(CC), Sunderland, West Ham, 10/11 Birmingham, Blackburn, SC Baga(CL)(£2), Man City, Wigan, 11/12 Blackburn, Cheslea, Fulham, Leeds(FAC), Wolves, 12/13 Coventry(C1C), Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, Swansea(FAC), West Ham, Tottenham, 15/16 Everton,….Bangor City v Napoli 62/3(ECWC)(played at Highbury)(£4), Sportsman1s Ai Socity Charity Match @ Ar senal Stadium 13/5/55((2 inch tear on spine otherwise good)(£5),



38/9  Ipswich(FAC)((sl fld)(£60),  44/5  Coventry(£28),   45/6  Bury(RES)(ex b)(£20), Plymouth(ex b)(£20), Charlton(fld(£24), Derby(flds)(£22), Fulham(ex b)(£20),  46/7  Preston(fld/2 inch split to spine)(£18), Sunderland(£25),  47/8 Charlton(£25), 48/9 Arsenal(flds)(£20), Cardiff(sl fld/ph)(£9), Wolves(ex b)(£9)  49/50  Arsenal(fld)(£18), Newcastle(1 auto)(£12), 50/1 Arsenal(£15), Blackpool(fld)(£12), 51/2 Arsenal/Huddersfield(£15),  52/3 Arsenal/Wolves(£12), Brentford(FAC)(sl fld)(£8), Burnley(£11), Chelsea(£12), Everton(FAC)(sl mkd)(£7), MIddlesbro(FAC)(fld)(£8), 53/4  Arsenal(cr)(£7), Newcastle(£9), WBA(£9), 54/5 Arsenal(£9), Huddersfield(£9),  Leicester(fld)(£8), Man City(£9), Sheff Utd(£9),  Tottenham/Sunderland(£11),  55/6 Arsenal(£8), Cardiff/Sunderland(£8), Huddersfield(sof)(£7), Luton(sl cr)(£4), ,Man Utd(£20), Man Utd(sl cr)(£15), Newcastle(£8), Portsmouth(sl fld)(£5),  56/7 Arsenal(fld)(£6), Blackpool(£7), Bolton(sl fld)(£6), Bristol City(FAC)£7), Bristol C(FAC)(sl mk)(Pirate)(£5), Burnley(FAC)(sl fld)(£5), Burnley(£7), Cardiff(s/s March 3 pin holes)(£8), Charlton(£7), Cheslea(£8), Everton(£7), Man City(Dec)£7), Man City/Leeds(Feb)(£7), Portsmouth(s/s)(£10), Preston(sl cr)(£5), Sunderland(Dec)(£6), Sunderland/Newcastle RES(Apr)£8), WBA(cr)(£3),  WBA(RES)(£5.50), Wolves(sl fld)(£6),  57/8 Arsenal(£6), Burnley(£6), Luton((£6), Man City(£6), Preston(£5), Sheff Wed(RES)(£6), Stoke(FAC)(s/s)(£8), WBA(£6), Wolves(£6),  58/9 Arsenal(£6), Blackburn(£5), Blackpool(£5), Burnley(£5), Burnley(FAC)(£5), Chelsea(£8), Everton(£5), Leicester(£5), Luton(ph)(£4), Newcastle(£5), Notts F /Wolves(£5), Preston(£5), Rotherham(FAC)(cr)(£3),  Tottenham/Leeds RES)(£6), WBA(£5), Wolves(£5), 59/60 Blackburn(RES)(£5), Brighton(£5), Bristol Rovers(£5), Bristol City(£5), Cardiff(£5), Charlton(£5), Derby(£5), Huddersfield(£5), Hull/Bolton Res(£5), Ipswich/Portsmouth(£6), L Orient(£5), Leeds(FAC)(£5), Lincoln(£5), Middlesbro(£5), Plymouth(£5), Preston(FAC)(£5), Rotherham(wof)(33),  Scunthorpe(£5),Sheff Utd(£5), Stoke(£5),  Swansea/Sunderland(£5),  60/1(£4) Arsenal,  Blackburn, Bolton, Bristol Rovers(FAC)(s/s)(£10), Burnley, Cardiff, Everton, Fulham, Leicester, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle(sl mk)(£3), Notts Forest, Peterboro(FAC)(sl fld)(£3), Preston. Sheff Wed(RES), Stoke(FAYC)(s/s)(£8), Tottenham(FAC)(£8),Tottenham(£10), WBA, West Ham(£5), Wolves,  61/2 (£3.50) Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Cardiff, Charlton(FAC), Chelsea(£5), C Palace(FAC), Everton, Fulham, Huddersfield(FAC), Ipswich(£8), Leicester, Man Utd(£6), Notts Forest, Sheff Utd,Sheff Wed(sof)(£2),  Tottenham, WBA, Wolves,  62/3(£3) Arsenal, Blackburn, Blackpool,  Bolton/Norwich(LC)(£8), Bristol City(FAC)(s/s)(£7), Burnley, Fulham, Ipswich, Leicester(£4), L Orient, Liverpool(£4), Man.City, Notts Forest, Peterboro(LC)(£6), Sheff Utd, West Ham/Tottenham(£6), WBA, Wolves, 63/4(£2.50) Arsenal, Barnsley(LC)(s/s)(£9), Birmingham, Blackburn, Everton, Ipswich, Notts F/WBA(FAYC)(£3), Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke, WBA,  West Ham(LC)(s/s)(£7), 64/5(£2.50) Arsenal, Barnsley RES?FC Twente(£3.50),  Blackburn, Blackpool(1 ph)(£1.25), Burnley, Chelsea, Coventry(FAC), Everton, Fulham, Man City, Man Utd, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham(£5), Wolves(£4), Wolves(FAC), 65/6(£2.50) Blackburn, Blackpool, Burnley, Chelsea(£4), Fulham(LC)((4 page//sl mk)(£6), Liverpool(£4), Northampton(£4), Sheff Wed, Notts Forest,  Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed,  Stoke,  Sunderland, Tottenham(sof)(£1.50), WBA(sl fld)(£2), West Ham,  66/7(£2.50) Arsenal(£5), Blackpool, Burnley, Chelsea(£5), Fulham(fld)(£2), Leeds(£3), Leicester, Leicester(FAC), Liverpool(sl mk)(£2), Man City/Southampton(scr)(70p), Man Utd, Newcastle/Sheff Wed(£3),  Newcastle(RES)(£3), Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke(sl fld)(£2), Sunderland, Swindon(FAC)(4 page)(£5), Tottenham, WBA(fld)(£2),West Ham(£4), 67/8(£2) Blackburn,Carlisle,  Charlton, C.Palace,  Huddersfield, Ipswich, Millwall(FAC), Millwall(£3), Preston, Portsmouth, QPR(QPR), , Rotherham(FAC), Rotherham/Plymouth(cr)(70p), 68/9(£1.50) Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool,  Bolton, Bristol City, Bury, Cardiff, Carlisle, Derby, Fulham/Millwall, Huddersfield, Hull, Portsmouth, Preston, Portsmouth, QPR(FAC), Sheff Utd, Southampton(FAC),  Tottenham(LC)(fld), 69/70(£1.25) Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Bristol City, Cardiff, Carlisle(cr,sof)(40p), Charlton, Charlton(FAC), Hull(t/c)(£1), Huddersfield, Leicester, Middlesbro, Millwall, Newcastle(RES)(s/s)(£5), Oxford, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR, Sheff Utd, Stoke(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£5), Swindon, Watford, WBA(LC) 70/1(£1) Barnsley, Brad City, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Bristol Rovers(LC)(t/m)(60p), Burnley(LC)(t/m)(60p), Bury(sl cr)(70p), Carlisle(LC)(sl cr)(60p),  Chesterfield, Doncaster(t/m)(60p), Fulham, Gillingham(t/m)(60p), Halifax, Mansfield(t/m)(60p), Northampton(LC)(fld)(70p), Notts County(LC), Plymouth, Port Vale, Preston, Rotherham, Shrewsbury, Swansea, Torquay, Tranmere, Walsall, 71/2(£1) Barnsley(t/c)(80p), Birmingham, Birmingham(FAYC)(£3),  Bolton, Brad City, Bournemouth, Brighton, Chelsea(FAYC)(s/s)(£3), Bristol Rovers,  Chesterfield(t/c)(£2), C.Palace(LC), Halifax, Huddersfield(RES)(s/s)(£2.50), Mansfield, Notts County, Plymouth, Port Vale, Rochdale, Rotherham, Shrewsbury,  Swansea, Torquay, Walsall, Wrexham,  72/3(£1) Blackpool, Brighton, Bristol City, Burnley, Bristol City, Cardiff, Carlisle, Fulham(fld)sl fld)(80p), Huddersfield, Hull, Leeds(LC)(£2), Luton, Middlesbro, Millwall, Notts Forest,  Oxford, Preston, QPR, Sunderland(£2), Swindon,  73/4(80p) Arsenal(FAC)(£3), Blackpool, Bolton, Bristol City, Cardiff, C.Palace, Fulham, Leicester, Luton, Middlesbro, Millwall,  Notts Cty, Notts Forest, Orient, Oxford, Sheff Wed(sl fld)(60p), Sunderland(£3),  WBA,  74/5(80p) Blackpool(t/m)(50p), Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Cardiff, Everton(LC)(sl tr)(50p), Fulham, Hartlepool(LC), Leeds(£1.50), Leeds(with 1906 FAC Final insert)(£5), Man Utd(£1), Millwall(t/m)(50p), Notts Cty, Notts Forest, Oldham, Oxford,  Sheff Utd(LC), Sheff Wed(t/m)(50p), Southampton, Stoke(£2), Sunderland(£3), WBA, 75/6(80p) Arsenal, Burnley, Coventry, Everton,  Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, man City, Man Utd(£2), Man Utd(LC)(t/c)(50p), Middlesbro, QPR, Norwich, QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Utd(FAC)(t/m)(50p), Stoke, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham(t/c)(50p),Wolves, 76/7(80p) Arsenal, Birmingham, bristol City, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leicester(t/m)(40p), Man City(LC)(sl fld)(70p), Man City, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Millwall(LC)(t/m)50p), Norwich(LC), Port Vale(FAC) QPR, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham(FAC), West Ham,  Wrexham(LC)(cr)(60p), 77/8(1.50) ArsenalBirmingham, Bristol City(sl cr)(50p), Chelsea(£1), Coventry(mkd)(40p), Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(£2), Leicester, Liverpool(£2), Man Utd(£2), Middlesbro, Newcastle, QPR, QPR(LC), WBA(sl mk)(60p),  West Ham, Wolves 78/9(1.50) Arsenal, Birmingham, Coventry, C Palace, Derby(sl fld)(60p), Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Luton(LC)(sl cr)(60p), Man City(sl cr)(50p), Man Utd(sl fld)(60p), Norwich, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Wolves(£2), 79/80(£1.50) Arsenal, Camb Utd(LC),  Colchester(LC)(£1.25), Everton, Ipswich, Tottenham(cr)(40p), Wolves 80/1(£2) Arsenal, Birmingham, Brighton, Coventry, C .Palace, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man Utd, Middlesbro, ManUtd, Norwich, Notts Forest, Southampton, Stoke, WBA, Wolves, Tottenham,   81/2(80p) Arsenal(£2), Birmingham, Coventry(fld)(60p), Everton, Ipswich, Leeds(sl mk)(60p), Leicester(LC), Man City, Middlesbro, Notts County, Notts Forest, Southampton(Dec), Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea,  Tottenham, WBA(Dec), WBA(Mar), West Ham, Wolves(LC),Wolves  82/3 (80p) Arsenal, Birmingham(sl fld)(50p), Everton, Ipswich, Luton, Man City(sl cr)(50p), Man Utd(£2), Norwich, Notts County, Notts County(MC), Notts County, Notts Forest,), Southampton(sl cr)(50p), Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea, Tottenham, WBA, Watford(FAC),  West Ham, Wolves(FAC), 83/4(80p) Birmingham, Ipswich, Luton, Norwich(FAC), Norwich, Notts Cty(fld)(50p), QPR, Southampton, Sunderland((£3), Swansea, WBA, West Ham,  Tottenham, WBA(cr)(30p), 84/5(80p) Arsenal, Chelsea(£2), Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest, Scunthorpe(MC), Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham, 85/6(80p) Arsenal, Arsenal(MC), Chelsea (sl cr)(40p), Exeter(MC), Ipswich, Leicester,  Luton, Man.City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Portsmouth(FAC), QPR,  Sheff Wed(sl mk)(40p), Tottenham, WBA, Watford(sob)(50p), 86/7(80p) Arsenal, Charlton, Chelsea(FAC), Coventry, Leicester, Luton, Man Cty, Man Utd, Newcastle, Norwich, Oxford, Southampton, Tottenham, Watford, West Ham, Wimbledon,  87/8(80p) Arsenal, Blackburn, Birmingham, Bournemouth, C.Palace. Charlton, Chelsea(FAC), Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leicester, Liverpool(FAC), Millwall, Plymouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, SheffWed(LC), Stoke, Swindon, Tottenham(LC), WBA(MC), WBA,  88/9 (80p) Arsenal, Birmingham(LC), Birmingham(Simod)(£3), Charlton, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Leicester, Liverpool, Liverpool(FAC), Liverpool(LC)(sl fld)(60p), Luton, Man Utd, Millwall(£2), Millwall(LC), Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest ,QPR,  Sheff Wed, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Wimbledon, Wimbledon(FAC), 88/9(80p) Arsenal, Birmingham(Simod)(sl cr)(£3), Charlton, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Man Utd, Notts Forest, QPR, Sheff Wed, Tottenham, 89/90(80p) Arsenal, Blackburn(FAC), Charlton, Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Everton, Liverpool(£2), Luton, Man Utd(£2), Middlesbro(ZDS)(£2), Millwall, Norwich, Notts Forest, Port Vale(FAC), QPR,  Southampton, Tottenham, West Ham(LC), Wimbledon, Wolves(LC),  90/1(80p) Arsenal, Barnsley(RC), Chelsea, Coventry, C Palace, Leeds, Liverpool(£1.50), Everton, Man City, Middlesbro(LC), Millwall(LC), Notts Forest, QPR, Sheff Utd, Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, Wimbledon, Wimbledon(FAC), 91/2(80p) Arsenal, Chelsea(sl fld)(70p), C.Palace, Everton, Leeds,  Liverpool, Luton, Norwich(fld)(40p), Notts County, Notts Forest, Oldham, QPR. Southampton, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham(FAC), Tottenham, West Ham, Wimbledon, 92/3(£1) Arsenal, Blackburn, Bristol Rovers(FAC), Chelsea(£2.50), Coventry,  C Palace, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool, Man Utd(£3), Norwich, Notts Forest, Oldham, QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Tottenham, Wimbledon,  93/4(£1) Arsenal(£1.50). Birmingham(CCC), Blackburn, Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Leeds, Liverpool(£3), QPR. Newcastle, Sheff Utd, Southampton,  Tottenham, West Ham,   94/5(£1) Chelsea, Coventry, C.Palace, Everton, Ipswich, Leicester, Newcastle,  QPR,  Southampton, Tottenham, West Ham,  95/6(£1.20)  Arsenal(£2), Everton, Liverpool(with Jan Supplement)(£4), Man Utd(£2.50), Newcastle, QPR, Stockport(CCC), West Ham, Wimbledon, Wolves(CCC)(sl fld)(£1), 96/7(£1.50) Arsenal(£2), Chelsea(£2), Coventry, Everton, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool(£2),  Man Utd, Middlesbro, Newcastle, Notts County, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham(£2.50), West Ham, 97/8(£1.50) Arsenal(£2), Bolton, Chelsea(sl fld)70p), Liverpool, Tottenham(£2), West Ham,   98/9(£1.60) Arsenal, Blackburn, West Ham, 99/00(£1.60) Arsenal(£2), Brad City, Chelsea(£2), Leeds, Sheff Wed, Southampton, Sunderland, West Ham, Wimbledon, 00/1(£1.60) Arsenal, Brad City, Charlton(t/c)(£1), Chelsea(£2.50), Derby, Ipswich(t/c)(£1.20), Leeds, Leicester, Man City, Sunderland, West Ham,  01/2(£1.60) Arsenal, Charlton, Derby, Everton, Fulham, Man Utd(RES)(s/s)(£1.50),   Reading, Sheff Wed(WC), Sunderland(t/c)(70p), Tottenham(£2), West Ham(£2), 02/3(£1.50) Arsenal, Fulham, Luton(WC), Liverpool(WC), Man Utd, Middlesbro, Newcastle, WBA, West Ham, 03/4(£2)C Palace, Man Utd, 04/5(£2) Arsenal, Chelsea(£15),Fulham,  Man Utd(£4),   05/6(£2) Arsenal, Burnley(CC), Chelsea, Fulham(fld)(60p), West Ham((sl cr)60p),  06/7(£2) Arsenal, Blackburn, Bolton, Fulham, Sheff Utd, West Ham  07/8(£2) Arsenal,  Liverpool, Sunderland,  08/9(£2) Sunderland 09/10 (£2) Arsenal, Man Utd, West Ham, 10/11(£2) Bkackpool,  14/15(£2) Leyton Orient(C1C), qpr 15/16(£2) Newcastle  ..EUROPEANS….75/6 Royal Antwerp(sl mk)(£1.50), ..77/8,A Bilbao(£1.50), Barcelona(£4),  Fenerbache(£2.50), Gornik Zabrze(£3),.81/2 BFC Dynamo(£1.25), 82/3 Besiktas(£1.25), D Bucharest(£1), Juventus(£2.50), 83/4 Moscow Sp(£1.50),  Vit Guimares(£2), 90/1 v Banik Ost(£1.50), Inter Milan(£1.50), 93/4 v Deportivo(£1.50), 96/7 Helsingborgs(£2), 97/8 A Madrid(£1.50), 00/1 v Celta Vigo(£2), 01/2 v Basel((£1.50), Varteks V (£1.50), 02/3 v Lille(£2.50), 2008 v Ajax(Special Edition very minor fold)(£5), 09/10 Rapid Vienna(£2), …..FRIENDLIES..  58/9 GAIS (£5). 59/60 Rapid Vienna(sl cr)(£3), 69/70 v Italy U21(sof)(£2), Dunfermline(£2.50), 71/2 Gornik(£3), Napoli(£3), WBA(£2),   72/3 Bayern M(£2), Tottenham(£2), 73/4 A.Villa All Stars v Potteries All Stars(played at Stafford)(sl fld)(£5),  73/4 v Feyernoord(£3), 75/6 v Walsall(£2), 74/5 v Leeds(Centenary woth 1906 pullout)(£5), 75/6 R Antwerp(£1.50), 76/7 v Eintracht Frankfurt(£3), (pin hole)(£1.50), R Antwerp(£1.50), 82/3 v Dukla Prague(£2.50),  85/6 Sunderland(s/s)(£4), 85/6 Old v Mita Stars(Birmingham Accient Hospital)(£2), 87/8 v Birmingham(League Centenary Founders)(£2), Coventry(£1.50), 09/10 Fiorentina(£2),  INTERTOTO CUP 01/2 Slaven Belupo(£2), Basel(Final)(£2.50), AWAY FRIENDLY 99/00 Gotham Cup v Fiorentina, Panathinaikos Ajax(£2.50)..Homes again ….. 69/70 v Coventry(Aitken)(£2.50), FA YOUTH CUP..71/2 V Birmingham(£2)…Testimonials..63/4 Birmingham v London(Crowe)(sl fld)(£4), 76/7 v MidlandX1(Aitkin)£2),  78/9Intl X1 v A.Villa(Robson)(£2), 78/9 Villa v Villa(Leonard)(£2), 81/2 v England(Little)£1.50) ..Game at Villa Park..Midland X1 v EnglandX1(Jack Taylor Test)(£1), v West Midland Reg League@ Kidderminster88/9(£1.50),  v Wolves(FAC)@ WBA64/5 2nd Rep(£3),  .. “Aston Villa..The First 100 Years” by P Morris £8(98 page brochure, Fanzine “Heroes & Villains” No 97(60p), “ASTON VILLA REVIEW”2002(£6),   “THE VILLAN” Aug 68(£4), Feb 1969(£3), April 1969(£3), A.Villa Yearbook 68/9(£4), “My Villa years Charlie Aitken)(£4),  “THE ROAD TO ROTTERDAM” 120 page book(£10) 1964/5 Facsimile auto sheet)(£4),”Aston Villa Wembley `71″-28 page brochure(£4),”Heroes & Villains”Fanzine 50p each No7, 128(sl cr)(30p), “Aston Villa The First 100 Years”  PMorris98 pages  softback v sl scuffs(£5),


45/6 Bradford PA(wof/cr)(£15), 46/7 Bradford PA(£25), 48/9 Grimsby(ph/fld)(£11), 50/1 Doncaster(£14),  51/2 Brentford(t/m inside)(£7), Colchester(FAC)(sl fld)(£12), West Ham(£15),   52/3 Bury(fld)(£9),   53/4 Hartlepools(sticker on team page otherwise good)(£5), 54/5   Barrow(£8), Carlisle(£9), Darlington(£8), Gateshead(sl mk)(£8), Grimsby(£8), Oldham(£8), Rochdale(£8), Scunthorpe(ph)(£4),Stockport(£8), Tranmere£8), 55/6  Blackburn(fld)(£6), Blackburn(FAC)(fld)(£7), Bristol Rovers (£8), Bury(£8), Hull(sl mk)(£6), Lincoln(sl fld)(£6), Notts Forest(£8), Plymouth(cr)(£3), Port Vale(fld)(£6), Sheff Utd(C C semi)(£sl fld)(£8), Sheff Wed(£8), Swansea(£8),  56/7 Blackburn(fld)(£4), Bristol City(sl fld)(£7), Bury(sl fld)(£7), Doncaster(£8), Fulham(£7), Grimsby(£8),  Huddersfield(£7), Lincoln(£7), Notts Forest(sl fld)(£6), Port Vale(cr)(£5), Rotherham(sl fld)£6), Stoke(£7), Swansea(£7), West Ham(£10)  57/8 Barnsley & District(FA)(£6), Blackburn(sl cr)(£4),  Bristol Rovers(£6), Cardiff(£6), Doncaster(fld)(£5), Fulham(£6), Huddersfield(£6), Liverpool(£10), Middlesbro(£6), Rotherham (cr)(£3), Sheff Utd(£6), Stoke(£6), Swansea(£6),  58/9 Brad City(£5)Brad City(FAC)(£5), Brighton(sl fld)(£5), Bristol City(£5), Bristol Rovers(sl cr)(£4), Cardiff(£5), Charlton(fld)(£4), Derby, Huddersfield(£5), Grimsby(£5), Grimsby(FAC)(£5), Ipswich(£6), L Orient(fld)(£4), Middlesbro(£6), Scunthorpe)(cr)(£3), Sheff Utd(£5), Sheff Wed(fld)(£4), Stoke(£5),  59/60 Brad.City(FAC)(£5),  Colchester(£5), Grimsby(fld)(£3.50), Port Vale(£5), QPR(£5), Reading(£5), Southampton(£5), York, 60/1(£4)  Luton(FAC), Port Vale, Southend, Tranmere, 61/2(£3.50) Halifax, Newport, Northampton, QPR, Shrewsbury(fld)(£2), Southend(Picture of No 10 on front), Southend(Picture of striped shirt player on front),  62/3(£3), Bournemouth, Bradford PA, Colchester, Everton(FAC)(£6), Millwall, Shrewsbury, 63/4(£2.50) Bournemouth, Bristol City, Coventry, Crewe(fld)(£1.50), Luton, Millwall, Peterboro, Southend, Stockport(FAC), Wrexham, 64/5(£2.50) Bristol Rovers, Chester(FAC), Colchester, Exeter, Grimsby, Luton, Mansfield, Peterboro, Port Vale, QPR(mkd/ph)(£1), Shrewsbury,  Southend(r/s)(£1.50),  Workington, 65/6(£2.50) Bradford City, Chesterfield, Doncaster(LC)(£4), Doncaster, Southport,   66/7 (£2.50) Brentford, Grimsby(LC|), Halifax(sl cr)(£1.50), Luton, Port Vale(FAC), Stockport, Tranmere, Wrexham,  67/8(£2) Aldershot, Brad City, Bradford PA,. Chester, Crewe, Doncaster(sl mk)(£1.75), Halifax, Lincoln, Newport(sof)£1), Notts Cty, Port Vale, Rochdale, Rotherham(CCs/f)(£3), Southend, Workington, Wrexham,   68/9(£1.50) Barrow(£3), Bournemouth, Brighton, Crewe, Darlington(FAC), Hartlepool, Millwall(LC), Reading, Rochdale(FAC)(sl mk)(£1), Shrewsbury, Southport, Stockport, 69/70(£1.25) Barrow(FAC), Bournemouth, Brad City, Brighton, Doncaster, Plymouth, Reading, Southport(sof)(£60p), Stockport, Tranmere,  70/1(£1) A.Villa(£2), Brad City, Shrewsbury, Torquay, Walsall,  71/2(£1) Blackburn, Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers(mkd)(50p), Chesterfield(FAC), Halifax, Hartlepool(LC),  Notts CtyPlymouth, Shrewsbury, Swansea, Walsall,  72/3(£1) Aldershot, Camb Utd, Colchester, Hartlepool, Southport, Workington, 73/4(£1) Brad City, Colchester, Crewe, Lincoln,  Newport, Stockport,  Workington, 74/5(£1) Camb Utd, Brad City(fld)(60p), Brentford, Chester, Crewe,  Exeter,  Hartlepool(fld)(50p), Lincoln(sl cr)(50p), Mansfield(sl cr)(50p), Newport(sl cr)(40p), Reading(fld)(60p), Rochdale, Rotherham, Scunthorpe, Shrewsbury, Stockport, Workington, 75/6(£1) Bournemouth, Brad City(fld)(50p), Brentford, Camb Utd, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster(fld)(50p), Exeter, Hartlepool,  Huddersfield(LC), Lincoln(sl mk)(50p), Newport. Northampton, Reading, Rochdale, Scunthorpe,  Stockport, Torquay, Tranmere, Workington, 76/7(80p) Aldershot, Bournemouth, Brad.City, Camb Utd, Colchester, Crewe, Darlington(cr)(50p), Exeter, Halifax(mkd)(40p), Huddersfield(cr)(50p), Newport, Rochdale, Scunthorpe, Southend,  Southport, Stockport,  Torquay,  Watford, York 77/8(80p) Chesterfield(LC), Huddersfield(FAC), Huddersfield, Newport, Southport,  78/9(80p) Bournemouth(sl mk)(50p), Chesterfield, Crewe(fld)(50p), Portsmouth, Rotherham, Stockport, 79/80(80p) Blackburn, Blackpool, Brentford, Chesterfield, Colchester, Hartlepool(FAC), Oxford, Rotherham, Sheff Utd, West Ham(LC)(£3), Wimbledon 80/1(80p)Burnley(sl fld)(60p), Colchester(Mar) , Colchester(Apr),  Gillingham(sl mk)(50p)Mansfield, (LC), Millwall, Oxford, Plymouth, Sheff Utd, Torquay(FAC), 81/2(80p) Blackburn, Camb Utd, Cardiff, Derby, Grimsby, Liverpool (LC), Man City(LC), Peterboro(LC), Swansea(LC)(mkd)(40p), Watford, Wrexham, 82/3(80p) Blackburn, Bolton, Burnley, Camb Utd, Camb Utd(MC), Carlisle, Chelsea(£1.50), C Palace(sl fld)(60p), Derby, Grimsby, Fulham, Newcastle, Oldham, Rotherham, Sheff Wed, 83/4(80p) Blackburn, Camb Utd, Carlisle, Charlton, C Palace, Huddersfield, Middlesbro, Oldham, Sheff Wed, Shrewsbury, 84/5(80p) Birmingham, Blackburn, Fulham, Grimsby(MC), Grimsby, Huddersfield,  Notts Cty, Sheff Utd, 85/6(80p) Brad.City,  Fulham, Middlesbro, Millwall, Oldham,  Sunderland, 86/7(80p) Brad.City,  Camb utd, Leeds, Oldham, Portsmouth, Shrewsbury,  Sunderland(sl cr)(50p), Tottenham(LC)(£3), WBA, 87/8(80p ) Blackburn, Bournemouth, Huddersfield, Middlesbrough, Sheff Wed(LC), West Ham(LC), 88/9(80p) Chelsea(£3), Ipswich, Man City, Oxford, Sunderland, Watford, 89/90 (80p)  Blackpool(LC), Ipswich(FAC), Sunderland(£3), West Ham,  90/1(80p)Bristol Rovers, Charlton, Everton(ZDS)(£3), Ipswich, Notts Cty,Tottenham(FAC)(£2.50),    91/2(80p) Ipswich,  Sunderland 92/3(80p) Luton, Notts Cty, Tranmere, 93/4(80p) Notts Cty, Plymouth((sl mk)(40p), Sunderland(sl fld)(50p), 94/5(80p) Burnley, Newcastle, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Southend, 95/6(80p) Arsenal(CCC)(sl fld)(70p), Birmingham, Luton, Stoke, Sunderland,  96/7(£1.20) Ipswich(t/c)(£1), Rochdale, 97/8(£1.80) Arsenal(£2.50), A.Villa, Blackburn, Bolton, Derby, Everton(sl cr)(60p), Liverpool, Tottenham, Tottenham(FAC)(t/c)(£3), 98/9(£1.60)Bournemouth(FAC), Crewe, Ipswich, Tottenham(FAC)(£3), Tottenham(t/c)(£3),  99/00(£1.60) Crewe, Ipswich, Walsall,  00/1(£1.60)  Birmingham, Blackburn, Burnley,C Palace, QPR, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed,  01/2(£1.60) Rotherham,  02/3(£1.60) Bristol City, Colchester, Northampton, Notts Cty, Oldham, Wycombe,     03/4(£2) Blackpool(CC), Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brighton,  Colchester, Hartlepool, Notts Cty, Peterboro, Port Vale, QPR, Sheff Wed, Stockport, Tranmere, Wrexham, 04/5(£2) Colchester, Hartlepool,  05/6 (£2) Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brad City, Brad City(FAC), Colchester, Darlington,(FAC), Doncaster, Doncaster(LDV), Hartlepool,  Notts Forest, Oldham, Port Vale, Rotherham,  Tranmere, Walsall,  06/7(£2) Colchester, mSunderland,   07/8(£2.50) Colchester, Darlington(CCC),  Ipswich, Scunthorpe, Sheff, Wed, Southampton, Sheff Utd, Watford,  09/10(£2) Sheff Wed, 10/11(£2.50) Burnley, Coventry, Derby, Portsmouth, Sheff Utd, Swansea, Watford, 14/15(£2) Colchester United  …Friendlies. 82/3 vNotts County(s/s)(fld)(£2), 85/6 V Sheff Wed(fld)(£2), .03/4 vBrad City(£1), 05/6Hull(£1)…Handbook 67/8(£3), FRIENDLIES v  55/6(AllStars)(cr)(£4), 56/7All Stars(£6),  Team Photo82/3(£2) , 03/4 v Sunderland(£2.), “Barnsley..Seasons 83/4-92/3”(£3)  TEAMSHEETS (31 each) Colchester 15/16,


47/8 Notts Cty(FAC)(sl mk/fld)(£14), 48/9 Arsenal(fld)(£20), Middlesbro(ph)(£14),  49/50 Arsenal(£15), Huddersfield(cuttings taken)(£2), 51/2Coventry(cr)(£7),   52/3 Blackburn(sof(spl sp)(£5), Huddersfield(1 ph)(£6), Tottenham(FAC)(£35),  53/4  Oldham(sof)(£7), Plymouth(sof)(£7),   54/5 Blackburn(sof)(£6), Bolton(FAC)(£9), Derby(sof)(£6), Doncaster(FAC)(fld/piece cut from middle page, small piece of text missing))(£3), Hull(£8), Lincoln(sof)(£6),  Luton(£8), Man City(FAC)(£9), Middlesbro(£8), Notts Cty(sl fld)(£7), Plymouth(£9), Stoke(sof/fld)(£4.50), Swansea(sof)(£6) 55/6 Arsenal(£9), Blackpool(£8)Bolton(£8), Cardiff (£8), Charlton(t/m)(£5), Chelsea(FAC)(fld)(£7), Everton(sl cr)(£4), Huddersfield(sl fld)(£7) , Luton(sl fld)(£7), Man City(£8), Man Utd(sl fld)(£18), Newcastle(£8), Portsmouth(sof)(£4), Sheff Utd(£8),  Tottenham(£15), WBA(£9), Wolves(£9),  56/7 Arsenal(£7), A.Villa(£7), Blackpool(£7), Bolton(£7), Burnley(sof/fld)(£4), Cardiff)£7), Charlton(£7), Chelsea(sl fld)(£8), Everton(fld)(£6), Leeds(sl cr)(£7), Luton(£7), Man City(fld)(£5), Man Utd(£15), Newcastle(fld)(£6), Notts Forest(fld)(£4), N Portsmouth(fld)(£5), Preston(fld)(£5), Sheff Wed(fld)(£5), Sunderland(£6), Tottenham(sl fld)(£8), WBA(sl fld)(£6), Wolves(fld)(£6), 57/8 Arsenal(fld)(£6), A.Villa(£6), Blackpool(t/m/fld)(£3), Bolton(£6), Burnley(£6), Chelsea(sl fld)(£7), Everton(sl cr)(£5), Fulham(RES)(s/s)(sl tr)(£5),  Leeds (£6), Leicester(fld)(£5), L Orient(RES)(£6), Luton(t/m/fld)(£3), Man City(fld)(£6), Newcastle((sl fld)(£6), Notts Forest(£6), Portsmouth(sl r/s)(£5), PNE(mkd)(£4), Sheff Wed(£5), Sunderland(£6), Tottenham(£6), WBA(fld/t/m)(£3), Wolves(£6), 58/9 Arsenal(£6), A.Villa(ph)(£3), Blackburn(£5), Blackpool(sl fld)(£4), Bolton(£5), Burnley(fld)(£4), Chelsea(fld)(£4),  Everton(£4), Fulham(FAC)(cr)(£3), Leeds(sl cr)(£4), Leicester(fld)(£4), Luton(fld)(£4),  Man City(sl fld)(£4), Man Utd(sl fld)(£5), Newcastle(sl fld)(£4), Notts Forest(£5), Notts Forest(FAC)(cr)(34), Portsmouth(sl fld)(£4),  Preston(£5), Tottenham(£5), WBA(£5), West Ham(£5), Wolves(£5), 59/60 Arsenal(£5), Blackburn(£5), Blackpool(s fld)(£4) Bolton(£5), Burnley(fld/r/s)(£3), Chelsea(sl fld)(£5), Everton(£5), Fulham(fld)(£4), Leicester(£5), Leyton Orient(RES)(s/s small piece missing 1″x1″ top right..)(£2.50), Luton(£5), Man City(£5), Man Utd(sl fld)(£5), Newcastle(£5), Sheff Wed(£5), Tottenham(£5), West Ham(sl fld)(£5), Wolves(£5), 60/1(£4) Arsenal, A.Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Cardiff, Everton(sl cr)(£3), Fulham, Leicester, Leicester(FAC), Newcastle(sl fld)(£3), Notts Forest, Preston, Rotherham(FAC), Sheff Wed, WBA, West Ham,  61/2(£3.50) Arsenal, A.Villa, Blackburn(fld)(£2), Blackpool, Bolton, Cardiff, Everton(fld)(£2.50),  Fulham, Ipswich(£5), Leicester, Man City, Sheff Utd,  Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed,  Tottenham, Tottenham(FAC), WBA,  West Ham, Wolves(sl cr)(£1.50), 62/3(£3) Arsenal, A.Villa,  Barrow(LC)(£9), Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury(FAC), Doncaster(LC)(£9), Fulham, Leicester, Leyton Orient(fld)£3), Man City(FAC), Notts Forest(sl tr)(£2), Sheff Utd, WBA, Tottenham, WBA West Ham, Wolves(£4),   63/4(£2.50) A. Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton,  Everton, Fulham,  Leicester, Notts Forest, Port Vale(FAC), Sheff Wed, Stoke, Tottenham WBA, West Ham, Wolves,   64/5  Arsenal, Blackburn, Blackpool, Burnley, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham,  Leicester, Liverpool, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke(fld), Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham(sof)(£2), Wolves 65/6(£2.50) Bolton, Bristol City, Bury, Cardiff, Carlisle, Derby, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leicester(FAC), Leyton Orient, Man City, Middlesbro, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Rotherham, Southampton, Wolves,  66/7 (£2.50) Arsenal (FAC), Bolton, Bristol City, Cardiff, Charlton, Coventry, C Palace,  Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Ipswich(LC), Millwall, Northampton, Norwich,  Plymouth,  Preston, Rotherham, Tottenham(FAC), Wolves  67/8(£2) Arsenal(FAC)(cr), A.Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton,  Cardiff, Carlisle, Charlton, Chelsea, C Palace. Derby, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Middlesbro, Millwall, Orient, Norwich,  Plymouth, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR, Rotherham, QPR, 68/9(£1.50) Blackburn(fld)(80p), Bury, Cardiff, Chelsea(LC), Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Lincoln(FAC), Man Utd(FAC), Middlesbro, Millwall(sl fld)(£1), Portsmouth, Sheff Wed(FAC), 69/70(£1.25) A.Villa(sl fld)(80p), Blackburn(sl tr)(80p), Blackpool, Bristol City, Cardiff(sl cr)(80p), Leicester(mkd)(60p), Norwich(fld)(60p), Portsmouth(sl tr)(80p), Sheff Utd, 70/1(£1) Blackburn, Cardiff, Colchester(LC), Huddersfield, Hull, Leicester, Luton, Millwall, Orient, Oxford, QPR, Sheff Wed, Sunderland, Swindon(sof)(70p), Watford, Wrexham(LC),  71/2 (£1) A.Villa(FAYC)(£3), Cardiff, Fulham, Huddersfield(sl fld)(60p), Ipswich, Luton, Orient, Oxford, Portsmouth, Preston, Sunderland, Swindon,  72/3(£1) Arsenal(fld)(80p),  C.Palace)sl cr)(50p), , Everton, Ipswich, Liverpool,  Luton(LC)(£2), Newcastle, Norwich, Stoke, Tottenham(£2), West Ham,  73/4(£1) Arsenal, Blackpool(LC),  Cardiff(FAC), Chelsea(£2), Coventry, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Stoke, Tottenham(£5), West Ham 74/5(£1) Arsenal, Burnley(cr)(40p), Chelsea(sof/tc)(40p), Coventry, Derby, Everton(fld)(50p), Ipswich, Leeds(£2.50),  Liverpool, Middlesbro(FAC)(cr)(50p), Sheff Utd, Tottenham,  Walsall(FAC), West Ham, 75/6(£1) Arsenal, Coventry, Everton, Leeds,  Man Utd, Portsmouth(FAC), Sheff Utd, Tottenham(sl fld), West Ham, 76/7(80p) Arsenal, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man Utd(t/c)(60p), ,Middlesbro, Newcastle, Norwich, Sunderland, Tottenham(£3), West Ham,  77/8(80p) Everton,  Ipswich, Liverpool, Man Utd, Middlesbro(fld)(50p), Notts Cty(LC), Notts Forest(cr)(60p), West Ham, Wolves 78/9(80p) Arsenal(£3), Bristol City(ASC)(£1.50), Burnley(FAC), Chelsea(cr)(60p), Ipswich(DEC), Ipswich(APR), Man City, Norwich, QPR(JAN), QPR(MAR), Southampton, Tottenham, WBA(inc supp)(£2),  79/80(80p) Bristol Rovers, Burnley, Camb Utd, Middlesbro, Orient,  Notts Cty(cr)(40p), QPR, Shrewsbury, Sunderland(£2), West Ham(£2),  80/1(80p) Arsenal , C.Palace, Ipswich, Ipswich(LC), Liverpool, Sunderland(FAC),  WBA, 81/2(80p) Camb Utd(FAYC)(s/s)(£4), Ipswich(FAC), Man Utd, Notts Cty,  Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham,  82/3(80p) Arsenal, A.Villa, Coventry,  Everton, Ipswich, Liverpool, Luton, Man City, Notts Cty, Shrewsbury(MC), Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham(£2.50), Walsall(FAC), WBA, West Ham(£2), 83/4(80p) Arsenal, Ipswich, Notts Cty, Notts Cty(MC), Notts Cty(MC)(2nd Rep), Tottenham, West Ham, West Ham(FAC),  84/5 (80p) Coventry, C.Palace, Huddersfield, Norwich(FAC), Notts Cty, Oldham, Plymouth(MC), Sheff Utd, Shrewsbury, Wolves, 85/6 (80p)  A Villa(poor)(20p), Ipswich, Middlesbro, Newcastle, Notts Cty, Oldham, Oxford, QPR, Southampton(MC), Watford, WBA, West Ham, 86/7(80p) Brad City, Grimsby, Huddersfield, Grimsby, Hull, Ipswich, Middlesbro(LC), Oldham, Plymouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, Sunderland,  87/8(80p) Blackburn, Oldham, 88/9(80p) Chelsea(£3), Man City, Plymouth, Shrewsbury, Walsall,  Wimbledon,  89/90(80p) Bristol Rovers(sl fld)(50p), Burnley, Fulham, L Orient, Notts Cty, West Ham(LC), Wigan, 90/1(80p) Birmingham(LDC s/f)(£2.50), Fulham,  91/2(80p)  Fulham, Hartlepool(sl fld)(50p), , L Orient, (fld)(50p), Reading, Sunderland, WBA, Wigan, 92/3(£1) Luton, Millwall, Peterboro, Southend, Tranmere, Watford, Wolves, 93/4(£1) Ipswich, Notts Cty , 94/5(£1) Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Huddersfield, Rotherham, Shrewsbury(CCC), Stockport, Wrexham, 95/6(£1) Leicester, Liverpool)FAC)(£3), Milllwall, Middlesbro, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, Southend,  96/7(£1)QPR  97/8(£1 ) Middlesbro, Notts Forest, Portsmouth, Tranmere,  01/2(£1.50) Millwall, Sunderland,  02/3 (£1.50) Everton, Sunderland(1 auto), Tottenham(£4), 03/4 (£1.50), Fulham(sl fld)80p),  Tottenham, 04/5(£1.50 )Arsenal,  Chelsea(£18), Fulham, Tottenham(£5),  05/6(£2) Chelsea(£3), Fulham, Tottenham(£5),   06/7(£2)  Colchester , Sunderland 07/8 (£2) Tottenham, 09/10 Arsenal, Sunderland,  SPECIAL  .EUROPEAN TIES….56/7 Zagreb(sl cr)(£4), 57/8 I Milan(fld)(£5), 58/9 Cologne(sl fld)(£5), Zagreb(sl fld)(£5), 60/1 Ujpesti Dosza(£5), 61/2 Espanol(£5), …Testimonials  59/60 v All Stars(Hall)(£5), 69/70 Birmingham v Man City(sl fld)(Wylie)(£5)78/9 v WBA(Pendrey)(cr)(80p), …Friendlies  56/7 Inter Milan(cr)(£5), B Dortmund(sof)(£5),  57/8 Barcelona(sl fld)(£5), Sampdoria(£6), 58/9 Bela Vista(£5), Zagreb(£5), 59/60 Valencia(£5), Union St Gilloise(£5)  60/1 Kjobenhavens Boldklub(cr)(£3), 61/2 Bratislava(£4), 69/70 v Slovan B(£2.50),  78/9 Ajax(£2), 80/` v Villa(Gallagher)(£1), 86/7 Coventry(£1), 96/7 v Liverpool(£3), 97/8 v A.Villa(£2), Newcastle(£1.50),98/9 v Man Utd(£3), Tottenham(£3), 00/1 v Tottenham(£3), 06/7 v Tottenham(£3),  …Fanzines..”Tired and Weary” No 8, 193.  (£1), ….Publications…..”History of the Blues”(1994 Evening Mail Special)(£3), BeaunanzaSep1968(£2) sheet(facsimile) approx 55/6(£5)..”Ten Years To Remember..The Trevor Smith Story 48 page Brochure(£5)..TEAMSHEETS  v Camb Utd 14/15(£1)


  51/2 Burnley(FAC)(£20),  54/5  Bristol Rovers(sl mk)(£12), (Bury(sl cr)(£12), Hull(tear/mk)(£3), 56/7Port Vale(fld)(£12), 57/8 Barnsley(£7), Cardiff(FAC)(£7), Doncaster(£7), Huddersfield(£6), Liverpool(ph)(£5),  58/9 (nof = small, neat team name in top right) Arsenal(£12), A.Villa(£5), Blackpool(£5), Bolton , Burnley(£5), Burnley(FAC)(24/1)(nof)(£5), Burnley(FAC)(28/1)(nof)(£5), Chelsea(nof)(£6),  Leeds(nof)(£6), Leyton Orient(FAC)(nof)(£5), Luton(£6),(nof)(£5), Newcastle(£5),  Preston(nof)(£5), Tottenham(nof)(£9),WBA(nof)(£5), Wolves(nof)(£6),  59/60  Arsenal(£7), Blackburn(FAC)(£6), Burnley(£6), Preston(Ph)9£4), Sunderland(FAC)(£5),  60/1(£4) Arsenal, Bolton, Cardiff(sl fld)(£3), Chesterfield(FAC), Newcastle(£5), Notts Forest(£5), Sheff Wed(sl r/s)(£3), 61/2(£3.50) Arsenal(£8), Burnley, Cardiff, Middlesbro(FAC)(sl tr)£2.50), Wolves  62/3(£3)  Arsenal, A.Villa, Middlesbro(FAC),  Notts Forest, Tottenham(sl fld)(£40), 63/4(£2.50)  Arsenal(wof/mkd)(£1), A.Villa, Birmingham, Burnley, Fulham(cr)(£1.50) , Grimsby(FAC)(cr)(£1), Sheff Utd, Tottenham, WBA,  64/5(£2.50) Blackpool, Burnley, Chelsea(£5), Everton, Liverpool, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Sunderland, West Ham(£3),  65/6(£2.50) Arsenal)(£4), A.Villa, Blackpool(DEC), Blackpool(MAY)(£5), Burnley(sl mk)(£1), Everton, Fulham, Leeds(sof)(£2), Newcastle, Sheff Utd, Stoke, Sunderland, 66/7(£2.50)Birmingham, Bolton(sof)(£2), Bristol City, Bury,  Cardiff, Carlisle(FAC), Charlton,  Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Huddersfield, Hull, Millwall, Northampton, Norwich((£4), Plymouth, Portsmouth, Preston, Rotherham, Wolves, 67/8(£2) Bolton, Brighton(LC)(£3), , Bristol City, Carlisle, Charlton, Derby(sl mk)£1), Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Middlesbro,  Millwall, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR, Rotherham,  68/9(£1.50) Huddersfield, Hull, Norwich, Portsmouth,  69/70(£1.25)A .Villa, Bolton, Carlisle, Doncaster(LC)(£2,50), Huddersfield, Portsmouth, QPR(£2),  70/1(£1) Burnley, Hull, QPR(£2), Sunderland(£2), 71/2(£1) Chesterfield, Lincoln(LC)(£2),  Notts Cty(sl fld)(80p), Rotherham, Workington(LC)(£2),  72/3(£1) Chesterfield, Southend, 73/4(£1) Bournemouth, Camb Utd, Notts Cty, Southport(LC)(£2), Watford, 74/5(£1) Brighton, Bury(fld)(50p), Colchester, 75/6(£1) Charlton(sl fld)(60p),  Chelsea(cr)(70p), Fulham(sl mk)(60p), Hull, Hull(cr)(50p), Luton, Notts Cty, Preston (LC), Southampton, Sunderland(£1.50),  76/7(80p) Burnley(sl mk)(40p), Burnley(ASC)(sl fld)(£2), Chelsea(£2), L Orient(FAC), Notts Cty, Plymouth, 77/8(80p) Bolton, Burnley, Colchester(LC), C.Palace, Fulham, Hibernian(ASC)(£4), Orient, Notts Cty, Sunderland, 78/9(80p) Burnley, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd(with 28/3 insert)(£3), Cardiff, C Palace, Fulham, Leicester, Luton, Newcastle(with April insert)(£4),  Notts County, Oldham, Preston,  Sunderland(JAN), West Ham, 79/80(80p) Burnley(ASC)£3), Colchester, Millwall, Sheff Utd,  Sheff Wed(fld)(40p), Southend, 80/1(80p) Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Cheslea, Gillingham(LC), Grimsby, Luton,  Notts Cty, Oldham, Preston, Swansea, West Ham,  81/2(80p) Bolton, Camb Utd, Carlisle((cr)(40p), Charlton, Grimsby, Leicester(sl mk)(60p), Luton, Orient, QPR, Rotherham, 82/3(80p) Bolton, Burnley, Camb Utd, Fulham, Grimsby, Leeds, Leicester, 83/4(80p) Camb Utd, Fulham, Ipswich(MC), Leeds, Swansea,  84/5(80p) Birmingham(poor)(20p), Fulham, Man Utd(FAC), Notts Cty, Oldham, 85/6(80p) Burnley(LMCFinal)(£3), Fulham, Huddersfield, Norwich(sl cr)(50p), Stoke, Sunderland   86/7(80p)  Derby, Plymouth,  Portsmouth, QPR(LC)(£2.50), Sunderland,   Wigan(LC), 87/8(80p) Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool(LC)(£2.50), Huddersfield, Ipswich, Middlesbro, Stoke, Swindon, 88/9(80p) Birmingham, Chelsea, Ipswich, Oxford,Sheff Wed(FAC),   Sunderland(Simod)(£3), Sunderland, Tottenham(LC), 89/90(80p) Sheff Utd, Stoke, Sunderland  90/1(80p) Brighton, Everton(ZDS)(sl mk)(£1.50), Ipswich, Liverpool(FAC)(£3), Middlesbro, Notts Cty, Rotherham, Port Vale,  Sheff Wed,  91/2(£1) Camb Utd, Derby, Ipswich, Middlesbro,  Sunderland(£2.50), 92/3(£1.20) Arsenal, Bournemouth(FAC), Camb Utd(LC), C.Palace,  Everton, Norwich(LC), Oldham, Sheff Utd, Tottenham(£6), Watford(LC), Wimbledon, 93/4(£1.20) A.Villa, Chelsea, Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Man City, Newcastle, Oldham, Portsmouth(FAC), QPR, Tottenham(£8), Wimbledon(Jan), Wimbledon(FEB), 94/5(£1.20) Chelsea(£5), Everton, Ipswich, Liverpool(CCC)(£3), Liverpool(£3),  QPR Tottenham, 95/6(£1.20),Everton, Liverpool(CCC),Liverpool, , Middlesbro, Norwich, Notts Forest, West Ham, Tottenham(£2.50), Wimbledon, 96/7(£1.20) Everton(sl cr)(70p),Liverpool(£2.50),   Sunderland, Tottenham(£2.50),  97/8(£1.30) Arsenal, Chelsea, LIverpool(£2), Man Utd , Southampton, Tottenham, 98/9(£1.50) Arsenal(£2), Everton, Derby, Liverpool, Tottenham(£20), West Ham(£2), 99/00(£1.50) Ipswich, Swindon, 00/1(£1.50) Burnley, Derby(FAC), Gillingham, Norwich(Walker tribute), Portsmouth,    01/2(£1.70) Arsenal(WC)(£3), West Ham 02/3 (£2) Arsenal, Chelsea, S(£2) Arsenal, Chelsea, Sunderland(FAC),  West Ham,  04/5((£2.50) Arsenal(sl mk)£1.25), A.Villa, Chelsea(£4), olchester(FAC), C Palace, Tottenham(£4),  05/6,(2.50) Chelsea, Tottenham(£4),  06/7(£2.50) Chelsea, Tottenham(£7),  07/8(£2.50) Liverpool, Reading, Sunderland, Tottenham(£10), 08/9 (£2.50)  Arsenal, Sunderland, Tottenham(£8),   10/11(£2.50) A.Villa, Everton, Sunderland, WBA, Wigan, 15/16(£2.50) Sheff Wed  .SPECIALS…Friendly 75/6 v Man City(£2.50), ..Lancs CC 82/3 v Blackpool(£1), .Lancs FA Manx Cup 85/6 v Wigan(£1.50), 85/6 v Stoke(IOM Fest)(£2), 01/2 v Barcelona(£2), 08/9 v NAC Breda(£1.50), ….Testimonials 60/1 v (Eckersley)(ph)(£3), EUROPEANS 98/9 v Lyonnaise(£2.50), 02/3 CSKA(£2), 15/16 v Sheff Wed(teamsheet)(£2)


46/7  Portsmouth(£40),  47/8  Arsenal(sl cr0(£28), A.Villa(fld)(£22),  49/50  Arsenal(cell sp)(£15), Southend(FAC)(£20), Sunderland(sl fld)(£18), 50/1 Fulham(sl fld))£15), 51/2 WBA(fld)(£10) 52/3 Arsenalr/s,sl fld)(£25),  53/4  Arsenal(sl mk,fld)(£7), Huddersfield(sl fld)(£8), Man Utd(fld/r/s)(£22), 54/5  Arsenal(sl mk)(£7), A. Villa (£9) , Charlton(£9), Newcastle(£9), Sheff Utd(£9), Tottenham(ph)(£9), WBA(sl mk)(£6),   55/6 Arsenal(small sof)(£10), A. Villa9sl cr)£4), Birmingham(sof)(£7), Bolton(£9), Cardiff(sl fld)(£7), Charlton(sof)(£7), Portsmouth(cr)(£3), Sunderland(sof)£6), Wolves(£8),  56/7  Arsenal(£8), Cardiff(flds)(£5),  Charlton(£7), Chelsea(£8), Fulham(FAC)(sl fld)£6),  Luton(£7), Preston (cr)(£3.50), Sunderland(£7), WBA(£7), Wolves(£7), 57/8  Arsenal(£6), A.Villa(£6), Birmingham(£5), Bolton(£6),  Burnley(sl fld)(£5), Luton(£5), Man City(£6), Newcastle(£6), Preston(£5), Sheff Wed ph/sl mk)(£4), Sunderland(£5),  Tottenham(£7), 58/9  Arsenal(fld)(£4), A.Villa(£5), Birmingham(£5), Blackburn(£5), Bolton(£5), Burnley(fld)(£4), Chelsea(fld)(£4), Fulham(£5), Leicester (sl fld)(£5), Newcastle, Notts Forest(£5), Portsmouth(£5), Tottenham(£7), WBA(FAC)(£5), WBA(£5),  West Ham(£8), Wolves(£5),  59/60  Arsenal(sof)(£5),  Blackburn(sl fld)(£4) , Bolton(cr(£2), Burnley(sl fld)(£4), Chelsea(£6), Everton(£5), Luton(fld)(£4), Mansfield(FAC)(£4), Notts Forest(cr)(£2.50), Preston(ph)(£3),  Wolves(sl tr)(£2), 60/1(£4) Arsenal(sl fld)(£3),  A.Villa(sl fld)(£3.50), Bolton, Cardiff, (fld)(£3)Chelsea(r/s)(£7), Man.City, Preston, Tottenham((£40), WBA, West Ham,  61/2(£3.50) Arsenal, A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bolton(fld)(£2.50), Burnley, Cardiff, Chelsea(£8), Everton, Fulham, Ipswich(sl cr)(£5), Leicester, Man City(sof)(£3), Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Tottenham, WBA, WBA(FAC), West Ham, 62/3(£3) Arsenal(mkd)(£1.50), A.Villa, Blackburn, Burnley, Man.City, Man Utd(sl cr), Tottenham,  WBA, 63/4(£2.50) Arsenal, Blackburn, Burnley, Everton(fld)(£2), Fulham, Leicester,  Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, WBA, 64/5(£2.50) Arsenal, A.Villa, Birmingham, Blackburn, Burnley, Everton, Fulham, Leicester, Liverpool, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 65/6(£2.50) Arsenal, A.Villa, Blackburn, Burnley, Fulham, Newcastle, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Stoke, Sunderland ,  WBA, West Ham 66/7(£2.50) Arsenal(£3), A.Villa, Burnley, Chelsea(£4), Everton, Fulham, Fulham(LC), Huddersfield(RES)(s/s)(£3), Leicester, Liverpool, Man City(sof)(£2), Sheff Utd, Stoke, Tottenham, West Ham(mkd)(£1), West Ham(LC)(£3),  67/8(£2) Birmingham, Blackburn, Charlton, Chesterfield, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Millwall, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, QPR, 68/9(£1.50) Blackburn  Bolton, Bristol City, Bury, Cardiff(slfld)(£1), Carlisle, C.Palace, Derby, Fulham, Huddersfield, Middlesbro, Oxford, Preston, Portsmouth, Sheff Utd, 69/70(£1.25) Arsenal(FAC), A.Villa, Blackburn, Gillingham(LC), Leicester,  Mansfield, Portsmouth, Preston, Watford, 70/1(£1) Bristol City(LC)(wof)(50p), Burnley, Chelsea(t/c)(£2.50), Coventry(fld)(60p), Huddersfield, Ipswich(£3), Liverpool, WBA, WEst Ham(£5), 71/2 (£1) A.Villa(LC)(£2), Birmingham, Bristol City, Burnley(sl fld)(80p), Cardiff, Charlton, Chelsea(FAC)(sl mk)(£1.50) Colchester(LC), Fulham, Hull, Luton, Norwich, Preston, Sheff Wed, Sunderland, Watford, 72/3(£1)  Bournemouth(LC)(sl mk)(£1.50), Bristol City, Burnley, Middlesbro(sl tr)(60p), Hull, QPR,  Sunderland(£2.50), Tottenham(£3), 73/4(£1)  Carlisle, Fuham, Hull, Notts Cty, WBA(t/c)(50p), 74/5(£1) Bristol City, Notts Cty, Sheff Wed,   75/6(£1) Blackpool(FAC), Bristol City, Charlton, Fulham, Notts Cty, Orient(cr)(50p)Sunderland, 76/7(80p) Burnley, Notts Cty, Sheff Utd   77/8(80p)C.Palace,  Notts Cty, Sunderland , Tottenham(£3), 78/9(80p) Carlisle, Chesterfield, Colchester,  Man City(LC)(£3), Rotherham, Walsall,  79/80(Newspaper style.£2.50)  Blackburn, Blackburn(ASC)(£3.50), Bury/Brentford(loint), Chesterfield/Sheff Wed(joint)Colchester, Gillingham,  Rotherham, Sheff Utd, Swindon, Wimbledon,  80/1(80p) Burnley. Colchester, Fulham, Newport,   81/2(80p) Burnley(GC)(£4), Colchester,  Halifax(sl mk)(60p), Mansfield, Scunthorpe(sl mk)(60p), 82/3(80p) Colchester, Scunthorpe, 83/4(80p) Colchester,  84/5(80p) Hartlepool, 85/6(80p) Gillingham, Notts Cty,  86/7(80p)  Fulham, Gillingham, Newport, Notts Cty, QPR(FAC)(£2.50), Peterboro(CCC),Swansea, Wigan(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£1.50),  York, 87/8 (80p) Fulham, Notts Cty, Sunderland(£2), Wigan,  89/90  (80p) Burnley, Chester, Fulham, Notts Cty, Wigan, 90/1 (80p) Burnley, Hartlepool, Tottenham(FAC)(£3),   91/2(80p) Burnley(AT)(£3),  93/4  (80p) Burnley, Fulham,  94/5(£1) Hull, Wycombe,  95/6(£1) Burnley, Notts Cty, 96/7(£1.20) Burnley, Gillingham, Notts Cty,  97/8 (£1.20) Northampton, 98/9(£1.20) Colchester, Notts Cty,  99/00 (£1.30) Colchester, Notts Cty,  00/1(£1.50) Leyton Orient,  Southend,  01/2(£1.50)Notts Cty, Swindon,  02/3(£1.60) Notts County, QPR,  03/4(£2) Colchester, Notts County, QPR,  04/5 (£2) Colchester, Hartlepool,  05/6(£2)  Colchester, Hartlepool,  06/7(£2) Leyton Orient,  07/8(£2) Colchester, Ipswich, 16/17(£2) Hartlepool, Leyton Orient, 19/20(£2) Sunderland(14/3..Covid postponed)(£6),   …SPECIALS  .Manx Cup.. 85/6 v Wigan(£1),  ….Friendlies…60/1  v Aberdeen(£20), TVAtan Mort X1(£3), 80/1 V Coventry(nof)(90p), 81/2Swansea,82/3 v Liverpool(Mayor appeal)(£3),…TEAMSHEETS   v Camb utd 16/17(sl cr)(60p),  PUBLICATION .. ”BLACKPOOL TO WEMBLEY” .1948(r/s)(£12),…FIXTURE LIST 72/3(£1.50) TEAMSHEETS (31 each Blackpool 15/16,16/17,


50/1 Arsenal(sl fld)(£50), 52/3 Notts Cty(FAC)(fld)(£9), 53/4 Arsenal(fld)(£18),  54/5  Arsenal(t/c)(£12), Millwall(FAC)(£10), Portsmouth(mkd)(£5),  55/6 Arsenal(t/c, fld)(£7), A.Villa((£8), Huddersfield(sl fld)(£7),  Huddersfield(FAC)(£8), Newcastle(£7), (sl spl spine)(£4), 56/7  Arsenal(£10), A.Villa(£8), Birmingham(fld)(£5), Blackpool(sc on back/t/c)((£3), Man City(£7),  57/8 Arsenal(£6), Birmingham(£6),  Cardiff(£6), CDSA Moscow(Fr)(fld)(£5), Hearts(FR)(£9), Huddersfield(fld)(£4), Ipswich, Wolves(ph)(£5),  57/8 Birmingham(sl fld/ph)(£3.50), Leeds (ph//sl mk)(£2.50), L Orient((sl cr)(£4), Lincoln(sl fld)(£4), Luton(£6), Middlesbro(sl cr)(£3.50), Newcastle(£6), Notts Cty(£6), Notts.Forest(sl cr)(£3), Portsmouth(£6), Preston(sl fld)(£4), Stoke(FAC)(£6), Sunderland(£6), WBA(fld)(£3), Wolves(FAC)(£6), Wolves(sl cr)(£4),  58/9  Arsenal(sof)(£4), A.Villa(sl cr)(£4), Blackpool(£5), Burnley(36), Chelsea(£6), Everton(sl fld)(£4), Leicester(£5), Man Utd(fld)(£4), Newcastle(£5), Portsmouth(£5), Preston(£5), Preston(FAC)(fld)(£4), WBA(fld)(£4), West Ham(£8),  59/60 Arsenal(£6), Blackpool(£5), Bury(FAC)(£6), Everton(wof)(£2), Fulham(£5),  Leicester(sl fld)(£3.50), Man City(sof)(£4), Notts Forest(£5), Preston(sof)(£4), Sheff Wed(wof)(£2.50), WBA(£5), West Ham(£7), Wolves(£5),  60/1(£4)  Arsenal(sof)(£3), A.Villa(sof0(£2), Birmingham, Blackburn(FAC)(r/s)(£3), Blackburn(sof)(£2), Blackpool, Cardiff(sof)(£2), Chelsea(sof)(£4), Everton(wof)(£2), Fulham(sl fld)(£2.50), Man City(sof)(£3), Newcastle, Notts Forest, Preston, WBA(sof)(£2), Wolves(sl fld)(£2.50),   61/2(£3.50) Arsenal,  A.Villa(fld)(£2.50), Birmingham(tr)(£1), Blackburn, Blackpool,  Leicester(sof)(£1.50), Notts Forest, Sheff Wed(fld)(£2), West Ham(£5), 62/3(£3) Arsenal, A.Villa,  Burnley(sl fld)(£2) , Fulham, Ipswich, Man City,  Tottenham, WBA, West Ham, 63/4(£2.50) Arsenal, Birmingham, Blackpool, Blackburn, Burnley, Everton, Fulham, Ipswich,  Liverpool(mkd)(80p), Notts Forest(cell)(£1.50), Preston(FAC), Sheff Utd, WBA,West Ham,  Wolves, 64/5(£2.50) Cardiff, Charlton, Coventry, C Palace(fld/ph)(£1), Derby(fld)(£1), Huddersfield, L Orient, Man City, Middlesbro,  Newcastle, Northampton(sof)(£2), Plymouth(sl cr)(£1), Preston, Rotherham(cr)(80p), Southampton, Swindon(ph)(fld)(£1), Workington(FAC)(£3), 65/6(£2.50) Bury, Carlisle, Coventry, Charlton, Derby, Huddersfield, Ipswich, L Orient,  Norwich, Portsmouth, Preston(FAC), Preston, Rotherham, WBA(FAC)(fld)(£2),  66/7(£2.50) Arsenal(FAC)(£4), Birmingham, Blackburn, Bristol City, Cardiff, Carlisle, Charlton, Crewe(FAC)(cr)(£1),  C.Palace, Derby(fld)(£2), Huddersfield, Hull, Millwall, Northampton, Norwich, Portsmouth(sl fld)(£2), Preston, 67/8 (£2) Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bristol City, Cardiff(fld)(£1), Charlton, C.Palace, Derby, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Liverpool(LC)tatty)(£1) Middlesbrough, Millwall, Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR(£3),  Rotherham(slfld)(£1.50), 68/9(£1.50) Birmingham(sl mk)(£1), Blackburn, Blackpool, Bristol City(ph)(£1), Bristol Rovers, (FAC), Bury(sl fld)£1), Carlisle,  Charlton, C.Palace, Derby(fld)(£1), Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Middlesbro, Millwall, Northampton(FAC), Norwich(Nov)(£8), Norwich(Dec)(£3), OxfordPortsmouth,  69/70(£1.25) A.Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool(sl mk)(80p),Bristol City, Cardiff, Carlisle, Charlton, Huddersfield, Hull, Leicester, Middlesbro, Millwall(fld)(80p), Norwich, Oxford, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR, Rochdale(LC), Rotherham(LC)(£2), Sheff Utd(sl fld)(£1), Swindon, Watford, Watford(FAC),  70/1(£1) Cardiff, Leicester, Orient, Middlesbro, Sunderland(£3), Swindon, 71/2(£1) Barnsley, Bournemouth(fld)(70p), Brighton,  Chesterfield, Halifax, Mansfield,  Oldham, Port Vale, Swansea, Tranmere, Walsall, Wrexham, York, 72/3(£1)  Blackburn, Bournemouth, Brentford(fld)(70p),  Grimsby, Halifax, Luton, Notts Cty, Rotherham, Watford(mkd)(50p), York, 73/4(£1) Cardiff, Charlton(FAC)(sl fld)(60p),  Fulham, Hull, Luton, Middlesbro, Notts Cty, Notts Forest, Oxford, Sunderland(s/s)(£25),  74/5(£1) A. Villa, Blackpool, Bristol Rovers, Cardiff, Man Utd(£5), (t/c)(£3), Notts County, Orient(sl mk)(50p), Sheff Wed, Sunderland,York,   75/6(£1) Blackburn, Blackpool, Brentford(FAC), Bristol City, Bristol Rovers,  Carlisle, Charlton, Chelsea(£3), Coventry(LC), Fulham, Hull, Orient, Luton,  Notts County(sl fld)(60p), Notts Forest, Oldham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Southampton, STOCKPORT, Sunderland, WBA, York, 76/7(80p) Blackburn, Bristol Rovers, Burnley(fld)(50p), Cardiff,  Charlton, Chelsea(sl fld)(£3) , Hereford(sl fld)(60p), Hull, Luton, Millwall(sl fld)(60p), Notts County, Notts Forest,  Oldham, Plymouth, Southampton(mkd)(30p), Swansea(fld)(50p), Wolves, 77/8(80p) Blackburn, Blackpool, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Burnley, Cardiff, C.Palace  Charlton, Fulham, Hull, Mansfield, Mansfield(FAC), Notts County, Oldham, Orient, Luton, Sheff Utd, Stoke,  Sunderland, Tottenham(v sl mk)(£3), Tottenham(FAC)(£3), 78/9(80p) Arsenal, A.Villa, Birmingham, Chelsea(LC),Coventry, Derby, Everton (Jan), Everton(April), Ipswich, Liverpool, Man.Utd, Middlesbro, Norwich, Notts Forest, QPR, Southampton, Tottenham (£3), WBA  79/80 (80p) Arsenal, Arsenal(FAC), A.Villa(cr), Everton, Halifax(FAC), Ipswich, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Norwich(cr)(50p), Southampton, Southend(LC), Tottenham,  80/1(80p) Arsenal(FAC)(fld)(60p), Blackburn, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Chelsea, C.Palace, Grimsby, L Orient, Luton(fld)(£50p), Newcastle, Notts County, Notts Forest(FAC), Oldham, QPR, Swansea, Watford, West Ham, Wrexham,  81/2(80p) Blackburn, Camb Utd,  Derby, Derby(FAC)(t/c)(60p),  Grimsby, Newcastle, Norwich, Oldham, Oldham(LC), Orient, Newcastle, Norwich, Sheff Wed, Shrewsbury,  82/3(80p)Blackburn, Burnley, Camb Utd, Carlisle, C.Palace, Fulham, Leeds, Rotherham, Sheff Wed, Watford(LC), Wolves,   83/4(80p) Burnley, Chester(MC), Gillingham(t/c)(50p), L Orient, Mansfield(FAC), Millwall, Southend, Tranmere(FAC), 84/5(80p) Bristol City, Burnley, Camb Utd, Crewe(FRT)(£2), Doncaster, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), L Orient, Millwall, Preston, Shrewsbury(MC), Wigan, Wigan(LC).   85/6(80p) Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers, Bury, Crewe, Gillingham, Lincoln, Newport, Notts Cty, Notts Forest(MC), Plymouth,  Wigan 86/7(80p) Blackpool, Bury, Blackpool, Chesterfield, Darlington, Fulham, Gillingham(sl mk)(50p), Halifax(FAC), Mansfield, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Tranmere(FAC),  87/8(80p) Camb Utd ,Cardiff, Colchester, Crewe, Exeter, Hartlepool, L Orient, Peterboro,  Swansea, Torquay,  Wigan(LC), 88/9(80p) Fulham, Mansfield, Notts Cty, Port Vale,  89/90(80p)  Fulham, L Orient, Lincoln(LDC)(£1.50), Notts Cty, Shrewsbury, Wigan,  90/1(80p) Bournemouth, Chester, Fulham, Leyton Orient,   91/2(80p) Brad.City, Fulham, Hartlepool, Stoke, Swansea, Wigan, 92/3(80p) Bournemouth, Exeter, Fulham,  Hartlepool, L Orient(fld)(50p), Liverpool(FAC)(£2.50),  Plymouth,  Wimbledon(CCC), 93/4(£1) Arsenal(FAC),  Bristol City, Everton(FAC), Notts Cty, Portsmouth,   94/5(£1)Burnley,  Ipswich(CCC), Notts Cty, 95/6(£1)  Blackburn, Chelsea(£5), Everton.  Leeds(FAC), Liverpool(£2), Sheff Wed, Tottenham     96/7(£1) Barnsley, Brad City, Bristol City(CCC),Grimsby, Huddersfield(sl mk)(80p), Ipswich, Luton(FAC), Man City, Norwich, Oldham, Reading, Southend,  Tottenham(CCC)£5), Wimbledon, 97/8 (£1.50) Liverpool(£3),   98/9(£1.50) Ipswich, 99/00(£1.50) Ipswich, Portsmouth, 00/1(£1.50) Crewe,   01/2(£1.60) Arsenal(£2.50), Charlton, Ipswich, Middlesbro, Southampton, Sunderland, Walsall(WC), West Ham, 02/3  (£2) Arsenal, A.Villa, Camb Utd(FAYC)(£2), Sunderland, Sunderland(FAC), Man City,  03/4(£2)  Birmingham, Blackburn, Chelsea(£3), Everton, Leeds, Man Utd(£3), Southampton, 04/5(£2) Birmingham, Chelsea(£4), Man City, 05/6(£2) Arsenal,  Chelsea, Everton, Man.City, 06/7(£2) Blackburn, Wigan,  08/9 (£2) Everton, Fulham, Northampton(CC), Portsmouth, Stoke, Sunderland, 09/10(£2) Fulham(fld)(80p), Sheff Utd, Wigan(sl tr)(£1), 10/11(£2.25) Arsenal, Blackburn, Fulham, Newcastle, Man Utd(£3), Stoke, Tottenham, WBA, Wigan, 11/12 (£2) Arsenal(£4), Blackburn, Chelsea(£3), West Ham, 12/13(£2_ Sheff Wed, 13/14 (£2) Burnley,   14/15(£2) Sheff Wed,     ..SPECIALS..Testimonials v Intl All Stars(60s?)(Taylor)(£2), 68/9 Bremerhaven(sl cr)(60p), 70/1 v European X1(Hopkinson)(£3), 75/6v AllStar X1(Greaves)(£2), ….Lancs CC.93/4 v Blackpool(£1), ……  Friendlies…56/7 v Liverpool(r/s)(£7), 62/3 v Liege(£4),  79/80 v Ajax(cr)(60p), 94/5 v Liverpool(£3), 95/6 v Aberdeen(£1), 01/2 Bilbao(£1), 05/6  v Malaga(£2),  …Fanzine “Here We Go Again” Issue5(£1.25), ….Brochure “WEMBLEY BOUND”1995(£3),  Nat Lofthouse Golden Jubilee Brochure1989(£3),.. Fanzine “White Love” Issue 6(70p), 75/6 Bolton V Newcastle(FAC) 2nd Replay at Ellland Road(sl fld)£1.50)…Postcard..Reebock Stadium(£1), 54/5 v Edinburgh Select(Allison Charity Trophy)(cr/cell edge)(£4),


47/8 C Palace(ph)(£18), Swindonfld)(£18),  55/6Colchester(sl fld)(£5),  56/7 QPR(£8),  Swindon(sof)(£4), Man Utd(FAC)(sl cr)(£14), Tottenham(FAC)((poor)(£3),   57/8 Brentford(£6), Colchester(£6), Gillingham(£6), Grimsby(£6), Millwall(fld)(£6), Newport(£(£6), Norwich(£8), Plymouth(£6), Port Vale(£6), Walsall(fld)(£5),  58/9  Accrington(£7), Brad City(£5), Brentford(£5), Chesterfield(£5), Colchester(£5), Hull(£5), Norwich(£6), Plymouth(£5), Portsmouth(£5), QPR(£6), Reading(£5), Rochdale(£5), Southend(£5), Swindon(sl fld)(£5), Tranmere(£5), Wrexham(£5),  59/60  Barnsley(£5), Brad City(£5), Chesterfield(£5), Colchester(sl fld)(£4), Coventry(ph)(£3),  Newport(£5), Port Vale(£5), Reading(£5), Stockport(£5), Tranmere(£5), York(£5), 60/1(£4) Brad City, Swindon(fld)(£3), Tranmere,  Watford(fld)£3), 61/2(£3.50) Coventry, C.Palace(cr)(£2), Newport(cr)(£2), Northampton(fld)(£3), Notts cty, Peterboro(cr)(£2), Shrewsbury, Southend, 62/3(£3) BradfordPA, Bristol Rovers(cr)(£1.50), Colchester, Coventry(fld)(£2), C.Palace(fld)(£2), Northampton(fld)(£2), Peterboro(cr)(£1.50), Port Vale, QPR(fld)(£2), Shrewsbury(fld)(£2), Southend(fld)(£2), Swindon, Wrexham 63/4(£2.50) Barnsley(ph)(£1.50), Brentford(LC)(fld)(£4), Bristol City(sl cr)(£2), Bristol Rovers(FAC)(cr)(£1), Bristol Rovers, Colchester(sl cr)(£2), Coventry(cr)(£1.50), Crewe(sl cr)(£2), C.Palace(sl cr)(£2), Hull, Luton(sl cr)(£2), Millwall(fld)(£2), Newcastle(LC)(£16), Notts Cty(fld)(£1.50), Oldham(poor)(50p), Port Vale, QPR(ph)(£1.50), Reading(cr)(£1.25), Shrewsbury, Southend(cr)(£1), Walsall(cr)(£1.25), Wrexham 64/5(£2.50) Barnsley(ph)(£1.50), Brentford(ph)(£1.50), Bristol City(FAC)(ph)(£1.50), Bristol Rovers(ph)(£1.50), Colchester, Grimsby, Hull(ph)(£1.50), Luton(ph)(£1.50), Mansfield, Northampton(LC)(ph)(£1.50), Oldham(ph)(£1.50), Port Vale(sl fld)(£2), QPR(ph)(£2), Reading(ph)(£1.50), Scunthorpe(ph)(£1.50), Shrewsbury, Southend(ph)(£1.50), Walsall(ph& cr), Watford(ph)(£1.50), Workington(fld)(£2), 65/6(£2.50) Brentford, Brighton(fld)(£1.50), Burnley(FAC), Mansfield, Millwall,  Reading, Southend, Walsall, 66/7(£2.50) Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Colchester, Darlington, Grimsby, Peterboro, Reading, Shrewsbury, Swansea(ph)(£1.50), 67/8(£2) Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Bury, Colchester, Gillingham, Grimsby, Liverpool(FAC)(£4), Mansfield(ph)(£1.50), Northampton, Orient, Peterboro(ph)(£1.50), Reading,  Scunthorpe(ph)(£1.50), Shrewsbury(ph)(£1.50),Southport, Swindon, Tranmere, 68/9(£1.50) Bristol Rovers(FAC), Northampton, Orient, Plymouth(ph)(80p), Reading, Southport, Stockport, 69/70(£1.25) Bradford City, Doncaster, Halifax,  Halifax, Leicester(LC)(fld)(£1.50), Luton(FAC), Plymouth, Rochdale, Shrewsbury,  70/1(£1) Camb Utd(£2.50), Colchester, Grimsby, Lincoln, Newport(sl tr)(50p), Northampton, Oldham, QPR(PPM)(sl cr)(£4), Southend, Stockport, Torquay(LC)(£2.50), Workington, 71/2(£1) Notts County, Oldham, Plymouth(cr)(50p), Port Vale, Rochdale, Rotherham, Southend(FAC),  72/3(£1) Blackburn, brentford, Bristol Rovers,  Chesterfield(fld)(60p), Camb Utd(FAC), Colchester(FAC),Grimsby, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Plymouth, Rochdale, Scunthorpe, Southend, Tottenham(PPM)(£5), Tranmere, Walsall, Watford, Wrexham,  73/4(£1) Aldershot, Bristol Rovers(LC), Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Charlton(FAC)(sl fld)(50p), Grimsby, Rochdale, Southport, Southport, Tranmere, Walsall, Watford, York, 74/5(£1) Aldershot, Chesterfield, Colchester, Hereford, Peterboro, Preston, Southend,  Walsall. 75/6(£1) Camb Utd, Doncaster, Hartlepool, Newport, Northampton, Plymouth(LC), Rochdale, Scunthorpe, Stockport, Torquay, Workington,  76/7(80p) Brentford, Camb Utd, Colchester, Crewe, Darlington, Exeter, Halifax, Hartlepool, Newport, Torquay, 77/8(80p) Colchester, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster, Halifax, Hartlepool, Huddersfield, Newport, Reading, Southport. Scunthorpe, Stockport,  78/9(80p)  Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster, Newport,  Northampton, Portsmouth, Port Vale, Rochdale, Torquay, Wimbledon, York, 79/80(80p) Halifax, Hartlepool, Peterboro, Port Vale, Stockport,   80/1(80p ) Aldershot, Crewe, Doncaster, Halifax, Scunthorpe, Tranmere, 81/2(80p) Blackpool, Camb Utd(MWL)(s/s)(£4), Colchester, Mansfield, Newport(GC), Torquay, 82/3(80p) Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd(MWL)(s/s)(£4), Colchester, Gillingham(sl mk)(50p), Oxford, Plymouth(MC), Sheff Utd, Southend(FAC), Walsall, Wrexham, 83/4(80p) Camb Utd(MWLCup)(s/s)(flds)(£4), Scunthorpe, Wigan, 84/5(80p) Camb Utd, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Orient, Preston, Wigan, York 85/6 (80p ) Chesterfield, Everton(£2),Gillingham(t/c)(50p),  Lincoln, Newport, Notts Cty, Reading(MC), Walsall, Wigan, York, 86/7(80p) Darlington, Doncaster, Fulham, Gillingham(sl mk)(50p), Notts Cty, Walsall, 87/8(80p) Leeds, Sheff Utd,  88/9(80p) Barnsley, Coventry(LC), Chelsea(fld)(£7), Gillingham(t/c)(60p), Hull, Leeds, Man Utd(FAC)(£2.50),Oxford, Sunderland, 89/90(80p) Sunderland, West Ham, 90/1(80p) Birmingham(RC), Crewe, Fulham, Gillingham(LDC)(£2), Leyton Orient, Southend, Wigan, 91/2(80p) Fulham, L Orient, Preston, Stoke, Stockport, Wigan,  92/3(80p) Fulham, L Orient, Mansfield, Plymouth, Port Vale, Stockport, Walsall(LC), 93/4(£1) Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Exeter, L Orient, Plymouth, Stockport,  94/5(£1) Camb Utd, L Orient(fld)(50p), Plymouth,   95/6(£1) Burnley, Notts Cty,   96/7(£1) Burnley, Ipswich(CCC), Notts Cty,  97/8(£1) Bristol City, Bristol City(FAC), Carlisle, Fulham, Millwall,  98/9(£1) Colchester, Colchester(WC), Millwall(sl cr)(60p), Notts Cty,  99/00(£1.50) Bristol Rovers, Colchester, Notts Cty(FAC), Notts Cty,   00/1(£1.50) Colchester, Northampton, Notts Cty, Rotherham, 01/2 (£1.50) Camb Utd, Colchester, Notts Cty, Swindon,   02/3(£1.50) Camb Utd,  Macclesfield, Rochdale,   03/4(£1.80) Colchester, Notts Cty, QPR, Swindon,  04/5(£2)  Colchester, MK Dons, 05/6(£2) Colchester, Southend, Swindon, 06/7 (£2) L Orient, Northampton 07/8(£2) Leyton Orient, 10/11(£2) Colchester, 15/16(£2) Newcastle,   …… Friendlies….58/9 v Portsmouth(£6)(ph)(£3), 61/2 v West Ham(Godwin)(£5), 64/5 v A.Villa(ph)(£3),  65/6 v Arsenal(Woodward)(£20), 67/8 v Hapoel Tel Aviv(s/s)(£3),  WBA(s/s)(£5), 72/3 v Dundee Utd(£2), Man Utd(£4), West Ham(Kitchener)£8), 82/3 v Norwich(£3), 85/6.v Luton(£1),  86/7 v Norwich86/7(£1.50), 87/8 v Watford(£1), 90/1 v Luton(£1),  92/3 v A.Villa(sl fld)(£1), v Portsmouth(£1.50)  ,..99/00 v Antigua(£1.50), 00/1 v Fulham(£1.50), 02/3 v C.Palace(£1.50), Brighton(£1.50)…TESTIMONIALS v Tottenham 79/70(Miller)(£6) Club Bullettin”Boscombe Stadium Plan” (£1)


49/50  Accrington(ph)£7),  50/1 Stockport(£20),  53/4 Barrow(£12),  54/5  Barrow(£12)Hartlepools(sl fld)(£9),  56/7  Accrington(sof)(£7), Derby(£8), Hartlepool(poor)(£2.50), Hull(cr)(£3), Mansfield(£8), Tranmere, Workington(£7), 57/8  Accrington(£7), Barrow(£6), Bradford PA(£6), Bury(fld/sof)(£3), Carlisle(£6), Chesterfield(fld)(£5), Halifax(cr)(£3), Rochdale(£6), Scunthorpe(£6), Southport(£6), Stockport(cr/sof)(£2.50), Tranmere(sl fld)(£3), Workington(£6), Wrexham(£6), York(£6),  58/9  Bournemouthfld/spf)(£3), Brentford(cr/sof)(£2.50), Bury(£5), Colchester(£5), Chesterfield(£5), Doncaster(£5), Halifax(sl cr)(£4), Hull(fld/sof)(£3), Newpoert(fld.sof.swof0(£2), Reading(£5), Rochdale(£5), Southend(£6)Stockport(cr/sof)(£2),  Swindon(£5), Wrexham(£5),  59/60 Accrington(£6), Barnsley(FAC)(£6), Bournemouth(£5), Bournemouth(FAC)(fld/sl mk)(£3), Burnley(FAC)(£6), Bury(fld)(£4),Chesterfield(fld/sl mk)(£3), Colchester(£5), Coventry(£6), Everton(FAC)(£7), Halifax(£5), Mansfield(fld)(£4), Lincoln(RES s/s)(£(£10), Newport(£5), Norwich(cr)(£2.50), Port Vale(£5), Reading(£5), Southend(4 page)(£7), Swindon(£5), Southampton, Tranmere(£6), Wrexham, York(£6),  60/1(£4) Barnsley, Bournemouth,Chesterfield, Colchester, Grimsby, Halifax, Hull, Newport, Notts Cty(fld)(£3), Port Vale, QPR(£5), Swindon, Walsall, Watford, 61/2(£3.50) Accrington(cr)(£6), Aldershot(DEC)(£6), Aldershot(MAR),  A.Villa(LC)(£15), Barrow(fld)(£3), Bradford City( Brad Championship)(£8), Carlisle(sl fld)(£3), Chester, Colchester, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter, Gillingham, Grimsby(RES s/s)(££10), Southport, Wrexham, Hartlepool, Millwall, Oldham,  Rochdale, Southport,  Stockport, Tranmere(fld)(£2),  Workington, Wrexham, York,(FAC), 62/3(£3) Aldershot, Barrow(£4), Brentford, Chester, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster(cr)(£1.50), Doncaster(LC)(£7), Exeter(fld)(£2),  Gillingham(sof)(£2), Hartlepool, Lincoln, Mansfield, Newcastle(FAC)(sl fld)(£6), Oldham, Oxford(£5), Southport, Stockport, Torquay, Tranmere, York 63/4(£3) Aldershot, Barrow, Bradford PA,  Chester, Chesterfield, Doncaster, Darlington, Gillingham, Halifax, Newport, Oxford,  Rochdale(cr)(£2), Southport, Stockport, Tranmere, Workington, 64/5(£2.50) Aldershot, Barrow, Bradford PA, Brighton, Chester, Chesterfield, Darlington, Doncaster, Halifax, Hartlepool, Lincoln,  Millwall,  Newport,  Oxford, Rochdale, Southport,  Stockport, Tranmere, Wrexham, York  65/6(£2.50) Aldershot, Barrow,  Chesterfield, Colchester, Crewe, Halifax, Hartlepool, Lincoln, Notts cty, Port Vale, Rochdale, Southport, Torquay, Tranmere, 66/7(£2.50) Barnsley, Bradford PA, Chester, Hartlepool, Luton, Newport, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Southend, Wrexham, York  67/8(£2) Aldershot, Barnsley, Bradford)PA, Brentford(r/s)(£1), Chester,  Crewe(r/s)(£1), Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter, Halifax, Hartlepool(r/s)(£2), Huddersfield(sl mk)(60p), Newport, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Southend, Swansea, Workington, Wrexham, York 68/9(£1.50) Aldershot, Bradford PA(£3), Brentford, Chester, Chesterfield, Colchester, Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter, Grimsby, Hartlepool, Lincoln, Newport, Notts County(Nov)(£2.50), Notts Cty(Dec), Port Vale, Rochdale, Southend(may), Southend(Feb)(£4), Workington,  York, 69/70(£1.25) Barnsley, Bournemouth, Brighton(sl cr)(70p), Bristol Rovers, Doncaster(RES)(s/s)(£6), Grimsby(FAC)(sl mk)(60p), , Halifax,  Lincoln, Lincoln(FAC), Reading, Rochdale, Rotherham, Southend, Southport, Stockport, Torquay, Tottenham(FAC), Walsall, 70/1(£1) Barnsley, Fulham, Huddersfield(fld)(60p), Lincoln(FAC)(2nd Replay)(t/c)(£2.25),  Mansfield, Shrewsbury,   71/2(£1) A Villa, Blackburn, Bolton, Halifax, Newport, Notts Cty, Rochdale, Rotherham,  Tranmere, Workington,  York 72/3(£1) Blackpool(FAC),  Camb Utd, Chester, Colchester, Crewe, Doncaster, Exeter, Mansfield, Newport, Torquay,(sof)(50p), Workington, York,  73/4(£1) Bradford City,  Colchester, Darlington/Bury, Doncaster, Lincoln, Newport, Peterborough, Reading, Rotherham, Scunthorpe,  Stockport, Torquay, Workington,  74/5(£1) Aldershot(LC)Barnsley,  Bradford City, Camb Utd, Chester, Doncaster, Exeter(sl mk)(60p), Hartlepool, Huddersfield, Mansfield, Newport(sof)(50p),  Northampton, Scunthorpe, Swansea, Workington,  75/6(£1) Bournemouth, Camb Utd(sl fld)(50p), Halifax, Huddersfield, Reading, Tranmere, Workington, York(LC), 76/7 (80p) Barnsley, Bolton(LC), Camb Utd, Colchester, Crewe, Doncaster, Doncaster, Exeter, Halifax, Hartlepool,  Newport, Southend, Southport,  77/8(80p)  Bury, Camb Utd, Chester, Colchester, Crewe,  C.Palace, Exeter, Gillingham(Jan withMarch insert)(£2), Lincoln, Newport, Oxford, Peterboro(LC), Plymouth, Port Vale, Sheff Wed, Tranmere(Feb with March insert)(£2), Swindon,  Walsall,  Wrexham, 78/9(80p) Aldershot, Barnsley, Burnley, Crewe, Darlington, Halifax, Huddersfield(fld)(50p), Newport, Port Vale, Portsmouth, Stockport, Torquay, 79/80 (80p) Aldershot, Darlington, Halifax, Hartlepool, Huddersfield, Newport, Peterboro(sl cr)(60p), QPR(LC)(£2), Scunthorpe, Stockport,  Walsall,  80/1(80p) Aldershot, Bournemouth, Crewe,  Doncaster/Halifax,  Hereford, Liverpool(LC)(£1.50), Peterborough, Port Vale, Scunthorpe, Southend, Stockport, Torquay, Wigan, 81/2(80p) Blackpool, Blackpool(LC), Bournemouth(fld)(70p), Bury, Colchester, Crewe, Hartlepool, Halifax, Ipswich(LC)(£1.50), Mansfield, Newport(sl fld)(50p), Northampton, Peterboro, Shrewsbury(LGC), Stockport, Tranmere Wrexham/Gillingham,(sl mk)(50p), 82/3 (80p)  Doncaster, Exeter, Man Utd(MC)(£4), Mansfield(FAC), Millwall(4 page)(sl cr)(£3), Newport, Plymouth, Reading,  Rochdale(MC), Sheff Utd(APR), 83/4(80p) Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Hartlepool(AMC),   84/5(80p) Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers, Camb Ut, Doncaster(sl fld)(60p), Gillingham(t/c)(50p) Hull, Newcastle(MC), Orient, Preston,   85/6(80p) Barnsley (sl cr)(50p), Blackburn, Chesterfield(MC), Fulham, Grimsby, Hull, Ipswich(FAC), Leeds, Millwall, Oldham, Sheff Utd, Sunderland(£2),   86/7(80p) Barnsley, Blackburn, Derby, Everton(FAC)(sl mk)((70p),  Grimsby, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Millwall, Oldham(FAC), Shrewsbury, Sunderland(FMC)(£4), Sunderland   87/8(80p) A.Villa, Barnsley, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bournemouth, C.Palace, Fulham(LC), Huddersfield, Hull, Leeds, Oldham, Oxford(FAC), Plymouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, Shrewsbury, Southampton, WBA, Wolves, 88/9(80p) Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Brighton(Simod)(£2), Chelsea(£2), C.Palace, Everton(LC), Hull(FAC), Leeds(£1.50), Leicester, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading(LC),  Scunthorpe(LC), Stoke, Sunderland, 89/90(80p) Barnsley, Blackburn, Bournemouth, Ipswich, Leicester, Middlesbro, Newcastle, Oxford, Sheff Utd(sl cr)(50p), Sunderland(£1),  90/1(80p) Birmingham, Bournemouth, Chester, Fulham,  Hartlepool(LDC)(£3), L Orient, Luton(RC), Mansfield,  91/2 (80p)  Bournemouth, Fulham, L Orient, Torquay, Swansea, West Ham(RC), Wigan, 92/3 (£1) Bournemouth, Brighton, Burnley, Fulham, Hull, Leyton Orient, Plymouth, Preston, Preston(FAC),  West Ham, Wigan, 93/4(£1), Bournemouth, Burnley, Fulham, Huddersfield, L Orient, Man Utd(FAYC)(sl fld)(£3), Plymouth, Reading, Swansea, Wrexham, York,  94/5(£1) Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Bournemouth,Camb Utd(cr)(60p), Cardiff, Chester, Crewe, Grimsby(CCC), Huddersfield(AWS), L Orient(sl fld)(50p), Oxford, Peterboro, PLymouth, Rotherham, Scunthorpe(LC), Shrewsbury,  Wrexham, York, 95/6 (£1)Brighton, Bristol City, Burnley, Carlisle(AWS), Notts Cty, Peterboro, Shrewsbury, Stockport,    96/7(£1) Birmingham, Ipswich, Man City(£2.50), Norwich, QPR, Reading, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed(FAC), Southend, Stoke,  Tranmere,  97/8(£1.) Portsmouth, SunderlandWBA,   98/9(£1.40) Birmingham, Bury, C Palace, Ipswich, Port Vale,  99/00(£1.50) Arsenal, Barnsley(WC),  Coventry, Everton(sl cr)(80p), Leicester,  Liverpool(33), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Sunderland, Tottenham(£2),  00/1(£1.50)  Arsenal, Atlanta(Intertoto((£2), Coventry, Leeds(poor)(30p), Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, Waalwijk (Intertoto)(£2), West Ham,    01/2(£1.50), Burnley, Coventry, Grimsby,  Middlesbro, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Stockport, Walsall, Wimbledon,   02/3 (£1.50)  Burnley, Coventry, Grimsby, Ipswich, Norwich, Rotherham, Sheff Utd, Wimbledon,  03/4(£1.50) Burnley, Cardiff, Coventry, C Palace, Derby, Ipswich, Millwall,  Notts Forest, Rotherham, Sunderland, Walsall, Watford, Wigan, WBA, West Ham(£2),  04/5(£1.50) Blackpool, Bristol City, Colchester, Notts County(CC), Port Vale, Rushden & D (FAC), Sheff Wed, Wrexham, 05/6(£1.50) Colchester, Swindon, 06/7(£1.50) Bristol City, L Orient,   07/8 (£2) Accrington, Chester, Tranmere, 08/9(£2) Dagenham & R, Leyton Orient(FAC), Shrewsbury, Wycombe, 13/14(£2) Colchester (Youth Alliance Cup Final)(s/s)(£2), Leyton Orient,   .FRIENDLIES.. 56/7 v Airdrie(£16), 67/8 v FC Twente(£2.50), 72/3 v Man City(sof& fld)(£8), 85/6 v Man Utd(£20, 86/7 v England(£4), v Leeds(WRC)(£3), 91/2 v R Valladolid(£1.50), 95/6 v Man Utd(32), 98/9 V Halifax(£1.25), 04/5 v Bolton(£1.50),08/9 v Burnley/Oldham(£2), TESTIMONIAL  69/70 v All Stars(Stowell)(3), 91/2 v Leeds(Lindley)(£2), 94/5 v Leeds(Oliver)(£2), 98/9 v Derby(Gilliver)(£1),  04/5 v Bolton(Jacobs)(£1), WEST RIDING SENIOR CUP  v 74/5Huddersfield(Final)(sl fld)(£2.50),  .FANZINE…..”The City Gent”  Issue77(£1.50),.OFFICIAL OPENING OF ALLIED COLLOIDS STAND BROCHURE INC TICKET 1997(£10)…Supporters Assn Promotion Brochure 69/70(£6).TEAMSHEETS(£1 each) Camb Utd 16/17(wof/cr)(40p),


36/7 Arsenal(r/s)(£30), 44/5 C Palace(fld)(£25), 45/6 Arsenal(sl fld)(£28), Plymouth(fld)(£25),  Southampton(slfld/wof(£28), WBA(cr(£20), West Ham(fld0(£18), 46/7  Cardiff(FAC)(cr)( £12)C.Palace(LCC s/f)(£22),  Everton(£20), Grimsby(£20), Middlesbro(£18), Preston(£18),  48/9 Burnley(FAC)(sl fld)£12), Chesterfield(£16), Fulham(ph)£12), Notts Forest(£16), West Ham(sl mk to back)(£10), 49/50  Barnsley(£12)Chelsea(sl fld)(£15) , Chesterfield(sl fld)(£10),  50/1 Barnsley(sl fld)(£9),  Blackburn(sl cr)(£9), Chesterfield(£12), Coventry(£12), Hull(£12), Leeds(£18), Leicester(sl fld)(£10), Luton(£12), Notts Cty(£12), Preston(sof)(£9), QPR(£12), Southampton(£12), Swansea(£12), Tottenham(RES)(£12) West Ham(£18),   51/2  Everton(£9), QPR(FAC)(£8), Sheff Utd(£9)West Ham(r/s/fld)(£8),  52/3  Blackburn(1 p/h r/s)(£7), Everton(1 ph/r/s)(£8), Fulham(sl fld)(£8), Huddersfield(spl sp)(£4), Hull(1 p/h.)(£8), Leicester(£10), Luton(ph)(£8)Notts County(£9), Notts Forest(1 ph/r/s)(£7), Swansea(ph)(£7), West Ham(£12),  53/4 Blackburn(fld)(£7), Hull(£8), Luton(nof)(£7),   54/5  Brad City(£8), Colchester(£8), Millwall(£8), QPR(sl r/s)£6), Swindon,  55/6  L Orient(sl mk)(£6), QPR(£8), Southampton(£8), Southend(£7), 56/7 Colchester(£7), C.Palace(£7), Millwall(£7), Newport(£7), QPR(£7), Reading(£7), Southampton( sl fld)(£5), Southend(sl fld)(£4),  Torquay(£7),  57/8 Aldershot(fld)£4), Brighton(fld)(£4), Colchester(£6), Coventry(£6), Gillingham(fld)(£5), Millwall((sl cr)(£3), Norwich(sl cr)(£5), Plymouth((£5), Port Vale(£5), QPR(£6), Shrewsbury(£6), Southampton(fld)(£4), Southend(fld)(£4), Swindon(sl mk/fld)(£3), Torquay(£6), Walsall(£5), 58/9  Accrington(fld)(£8), Arsenal(SFCC)(£8),Bournemouth(£5),Brad City(£5), Bury(sl fld)(£4), Colchester(£5),(sl fld)(£4), Doncaster(£5), Exeter(FAC)(r/s)(£4), Halifax(£5), Hull(£5), Newport, Plymouth(sl fld)(£4), Reading(sl fld)(£4), Rochdale(£5), Southampton(sl fld)(£4), Southend(sl cr)(£3), Stockport(£5), Tranmere(£5), Wrexham(£5), 59/60 Accrington(fld)(£6), Barnsley(fld)(£5), Bournemouth(£5), Brad City(sl cr)(£3.50), Chesterfield(sl fld)(£4), Colchester(£5), Grimsby(fld)(£3.50), Mansfield(cr)(£3), Newport(fld)(£3), Port Vale(£5), QPR(sl cr)(£3.50), Reading(fld)(£4), Shrewsbury(fld)(£4), Swindon(sl cr)(£3), Tranmere(sl cr)(£3), Wrexham(£5), York(sl fld)(£4), 60/1 (£4) Barnsley(fld)(£3), Bournemouth(sl fld)(£3.50), Bradford PA, Brad City, Bristol City(sl fld)(£3.50), Bury, Chesterfield(fld)(£3), Coventry(fld)(£3), Grimsby(fld)(£3), Halifax(sl fld))(£3.50), Hull(fld)(£3), Newport(sl fld)(£3), QPR(sl fld)(£3), Shrewsbury(fld)(£3), Southend, Sunderland(LC)(£15), Swindon(sl cr)(£2), Torquay(sl fld)(£3),Watford,  61/2(£3.50) Barnsley, Bradford P A, Grimsby, Halifax, Hull, L Orient(FAC), Lincoln, Newport, Northampton, QPR, Sheff Utd(LC)(cr)(£1.25), Shrewsbury Southend, 62/3(£3) Aldershot(cr)(£1.50), Brad City, Chesterfield, Crewe(fld)(£2),  Darlington, Doncaster(FAC)(sof)(£2), Hartlepool, Lincoln(cr)(£1), Newport, Oldham, Oldham(FAC))sof)(£2), Sheff Utd(LC)(cr)(£2.50), Tranmere(fld)(£2), Workington, 63/4(£2.50)Bristol Rovers(sl tr)(£1.50), Colchester(sof/fld)(£1.50), Coventry(sof)(£1.50),  Crewe, Hull, Mansfield(sof/cr)(£1), Middlesbro(FAC), Millwall, Oxford(FAC)(fld)(£1.50), QPR, Southend(ph)(£1.25), Walsall(poor)(50p), Watford, 64/5(£2.50) Barnsley, Bristol Rovers(sl mk)(£2), Burnley(FAC)(cr)(£1.25), Carlisle(mkd)(£1.50),  Colchester, Exeter, Gillingham(sof)(£1.50), Grimsby, Mansfield(cr)(£1.50),  Notts County(FAC), Port Vale(fld)(£1.50), Reading(fld)(£1.), Shrewsbury, Southend, Walsall,   Workington(nof)£1.50),  65/6(£2.50) Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Exeter, Gillingham, Grimsby, Hull, Mansfield, Millwall, Oldham(cr)(£1.25), Oxford(cr)(£1.25), Peterboro(cr)(£1.25), QPR, Reading, Scunthorpe(fld)(£1.50), Shrewsbury, Southend, Walsall, Workington(LC)(£4), York, 66/7(£2.50) Aldershot, Barnsley(fld)(£2), Brad ford PA(mk)(£2), Barrow(£3), Chesterfield, Exeter, Halifax(fld)(£2), Ipswich)LC)(£10), L Orient(FAC), Lincoln, Millwall(LC)(£3), Newport, Southend, Stockport(fld)(£1.50), Tranmere, York(fld)(£1.50),  67/8(£2)Aldershot, Barnsley,  Bradford PA(fld)(8 BPA autos0(£5), Chester(mkd/sof)(£1), Chesterfield, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter(sof)(£1.50), Halifax, Hartlepools, Lincoln(sl fld)£1.50),Luton, Newport, Notts County, Rochdale, Southend, Swansea,  Workington, Wrexham, York, 68/9(£1.50) Aldershot, Brad City, Brad P.A.(£3), Chesterfield(sl fld)(£1.25), Colchester, Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter, Grimsby, Halifax(r/s)(£1), Hull, Hull(LC), Lincoln, Newport, Norwich(LC)(mk)(£3), Notts County, Peterboro , Rochdale, Scunthorpe, Southend, Swansea, Workington, Wrexham,  York, 69/70(£1.50) Aldershot,  Bradford PA((£4), Chesterfield(fld)(£1), Colchester, Crewe, Darlington, Grimsby, Hartlepool, Lincoln, Newport,  Northampton, Oldham, Peterboro, Plymouth(FAC), Port Vale, Scunthorpe, Southend(LC), Southend, Swansea, Workington, Wrexham, York, 70/1(£1) Camb Utd(£3), Colchester, Darlington, Hartlepool, Northampton, Southend,  71/2(£1) Camb Utd, Colchester(cr)(50p), Doncaster, Exeter, Gillingham,  Grimsby, Lincoln, Southend, Southport, Workington(t/c)(60p),  72/3(£1)  Camb Utd(LC)(£1), Chesterfield, Halifax, Notts County, Oldham, Port Vale,  Reading, (fld)(60p), Scunthorpe, , Southend, Walsall, Wrexham, York,  73/4(£1) Barnsley, Bradford City, Bury, Chester, Colchester, Crewe, Darlinton, Exeter, Newport, Northampton, Scunthorpe, Stockport, Workington,  74/5(£1) Aldershot(LC), Brad City,  Camb Utd, Darlington, Hartlepool, Mansfield, Newport, Scunthorpe, Southport, Swansea, Torquay,  Workington,  75/6(£1) Camb Utd, Huddersfield, Newport, Watford(fld)(60p), Workington,  76/7(80p) Barnsley, Camb Utd, Camb Utd(MWFL)(s/s)(fld0(£4), Colchester, Crewe(fld)(50p), Doncaster,  Newport,  Southend,   Southport,  77/8(80p) C.Palace(LC), Reading, Scunthorpe, Southend(fld)(40p), Southport, 78/9(80p) Blackpool, Colchester, Sheff Wed 78/9(t/c)(40p), Southend, Tranmere, Watford(LC)(fld)(60p), 79/80(80p) Blackpool, Camb Utd(MWL)(s/s)(fld09£4),   Chesterfield, Colchester, Mansfield, Southend, Southend(LC)(t/c)(50p), Wimbledon,  80/1(80p) Barnsley, Burnley, Camb Utd(MWFL)(s/s)(£4), Chester, Colchester, Gillingham, Huddersfield, Newport, Rotherham(cr)(40p), Southport, Walsall, 81/2(80p) Burnley, Camb Utd(MWFL)(s/s)(£4), Camb Utd(FR)(s/s)(£5), Carlisle, Chester, Colchester, Exeter, Exeter(FAC), Fulham, Gillingham, Lincoln, Newport, Oxford(LC), Oxford, Southend, Walsall,  82/3(80p) Doncaster, Chesterfield, Exeter, Gillingham(sl mk)(t/c)(40p), Lincoln, Orient, Portsmouth, Preston, Sheff Utd, Southend, Wimbledon(MC)(sl mk)(50p), 83/4(80p) Bolton, Burnley, Camb Utd(RES)(MWFL)(s/s)(£3), Charlton(LC), Gillingham(sl mk/t/c)(40p), Liverpool(LC)(£2), Orient, Plymouth, Port Vale, Walsall, Wigan,  84/5(80p) Camb Utd, Camb Utd(MC), Doncaster, Gillingham(t/c)(50p),  Leicester(MC), Newport,   85/6(80p) Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd(MC), Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Newport,  Wigan, 86/7(80p) Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd(MC),  Gillingham(sl mk,t/c)(40p), Walsall,  87/8(80p)  Fulham, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Southend, Notts Cty(FRT)(£2), Sunderland(£12),  88/9(80p) Fulham, Fulham(LC),  Notts Cty(SVT)(fld) , Torquay(SVT)(t/c)(£2), Walsall(FAC)(v sl fld)(60p), Wolves,  89/90(80p) Colchester(FAC), Fulham, Leyton Orient, Brighton(LC), Chester, Notts Cty,  Walsall(FAC), Wigan, 90/1(80p) Fulham, Leyton Orient Sheff Wed(RC)Southend 91/2  (£1) Southend, Fulham, Gillingham(FAC), L Orient, Wigan 92/3(£1) Notts Cty, Southend, Tottenham(CCC), 93/4(£1.) Burnley, Fulham, Camb Utd, L Orient, Plymouth,  94/5(£1.) Camb Utd, Colchester(CCC),  95/6(£1.) Bolton(CCC),  Burnley, Camb Utd (RES)(£2), Fulham)(AWS)(£3),  96/7 (£1.) Blackpool, Burnley,  Camb Utd(RES)(£2),  Gillingham,  Colchester(AW)(£1.50). 97/8(£1) Camb Utd 97/8(RES)(£1.50)Carlisle, Colchester(FAC), Gillingham, Millwall  98/9(£1)L Orient, Plymouth(AWS)(£3), Scarboro,  99/00(£1.50) Bournemouth, Colchester, Gillingham, Millwall, Oxford, Stoke, 00/01(£1.50) Colchester, Luton/Bury(jt), Millwall, Notts Cty, Port Vale, Stoke, Swindon, 2.50), Kidderminster(LDV), Luton, Middlesbro(WC), Port Vale, Tottenham(LC),  01/2(£1.50) Swindon,  02/3(£1.50) Camb Utd(LDV s/f)(£3), Notts Cty, QPR, Swindon,   03/4(£1.50) Colchester, Luton, Notts County QPR, Swindon,  04/5(£1.50) Colchester, Swindon,   05/6 (£1.5-) Bournemouth, Colchester, Swidon,   06/7  (£2) Bradford City, Bristol City, Huddersfield, L Orient, Luton(CC), Millwall, Swansea, Yeovil,  09/10(£2) Colchester, Leyton Orient, Swindon,  10/11(£2) Colchester 12/13(£2) L Orient,   .SPECIALS…….Testimonial 55/6 v Intl Managers(Horne/Bristow)(nof)(£5), 65/6 v West Ham(Coote)(£5), 68/9 v QPR(Higginson)(sl fld)(£2),  ..Friendlies….. 54/5 v Grazer Sportklub(£8), v Intl Managers(£5), 55/6 v Chelsea(sl fld)(£25), 55/6Arsenal(£20), Fulham(£6), Intl Managers(£5),  57/8Arsenal(SFCC)(cr&mkd)(£5), 59/60 Portsmouth((cr)(£5),  69/70 V GibralterX1(s/s)(neat fold))(£3), Charlton(s/s)(neat fold)(£5), …70/1Barnet, West ham(Gelson)(£5),  71/2 Southampton(s/s)(£10), 84/5 v West Ham(£1.50), 86/7 v QPR(£1), 88/9(?) v QPR(£1)…90/1 v Chelsea(sl fld)(£2), Oxford(£1) 91/2 v Chelsea(£1), 02/3 v Chelsea(£1), 02/3 v Ipswich(£1),  v Watford(£1.25), 02/3,  76/7 v Luton(KCC Final)(£1.50)..51/2Luton v Brentford(FAC) @ Arsenal(fld)(£12), 02/3 v Ipswich(£2),…..Fulham v Luton(SFCC)Replay played at Brentford, 59/60(sl fld)(£6),


48/9 Port Vale(£28), Swansea(fld)(£20), 50/1 Norwich(£20) 51/2 Aldershot(sl mk)(£20), Bristol Rovers(sl mk) (£22), Port Vale(sl mk)(£22), Watford(£25),   52/3  Norwich(£30), QPR(sl mk)(£25), Reading(£20), Shrewsbury(sl mk)(£20), 53/4 Exeter(£20), Newport(£18), Northampton(£20), Norwich(£25), QPR(£30), Southampton(£20), Walsall(£20), 54/5 A.Villa(FAC)(£35), Brentford(£18), Bristol City(£18), C.Palace(£18),   Newport(sl mtl)(£15), Norwich(£20), QPR(£25), Reading(4page issue)(£25), Shrewsbury(4 page issue)(£25), Torquay(£18), Walsall(sl mk)(£15), 55/6 Colchester(£7), Southend (£7)  56/7   Ipswich(£8), Millwall(FAC)(£7), Millwall(cr/sof)(£3), Southend(£7)Swindon(£7),  57/8  Millwall(sl cr)(£5), Northampton(sl cr)(£5),Norwich(sl fld)(£7), Southampton(£6),  Walsall(£6), 58/9  Barnsley(£6), Bradford City(FAC)(sl cr)(£4),Bristol City(sof)(£4)  Bristol Rovers(£6), Cardiff(£6) , Charlton(£6), Fulham (£6),Huddersfield(fld)(£3.50),  Ipswich(sof)(£4), Grimsby(£6), Huddersfield(fld)(£4), Ipswich(sof)(£4), Lincoln(£6), L Orient(£6), Middlesbrough(sof)(£4), Rotherham(fld)(£4), Sheff Utd(£6), Sheff Wed(fld)(4), Stoke(£6),  Swansea(£6), Scunthorpe(£6), 59/60 A.Villa(£6), Bristol City(sof)(£4), Cardiff(£6), Charlton(fld)(£4), Derby(£6), Huddersfield(£5), Hull(sof)(£4), Lincoln(sl cr)(£3), L.Orient(£6), Portsmouth(£6), Rotherham(£6), Rotherham(FAC)(ph)(4 page0(£8), Rotherham(FAC)(2nd Replay @ Arsenal)(£4), Scunthorpe(£5), Sheff Utd(fld)(£4), Swansea(£6)  60/1(£4) Burnley(FAC)£6),  Derby(FAC), Huddersfield, Lincoln, Leeds (fld)(£5), Liverpool(r/s)(£3.50), Norwich(sl fld)(£3), Scunthorpe(cr&tr)(£1), Sheff Utd,  Sunderland, Swansea,  61/2(£3.50) Bury,  L Orient(sof)(£1.50), Liverpool(sl fld)(£5), Luton, Sunderland(£4), Preston, Sunderland, Swansea, 62/3 (£3) Bristol Rovers , Hull(fld)(£2.50), Notts County, Portsmouth(LC)(£12), Shrewsbury 63/4(£2.50) Brad City, Chester, Colchester(FAC)(sl fld)£2), Exeter, Gillingham, Newport, Oxford, Workington, York 64/5(£2.50) Aldershot, Darlington(sl cr)(£2), Halifax ,Lincoln, Millwall, Notts C(sl cr)(£1.50), Southport, Stockport, 65/6(£2.50) Bournemouth, Brentford, Chester, Exeter, Gillingham, Grimsby,  Hull, Mansfield, Millwall, Oldham, Peterboro,  QPR(£3), Shrewsbury, Southend, Southport, Swansea, Swindon, Walsall, Watford, Workington, York,  66/7(£2.50) Aldershot(FAC), Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers, Chelsea(FAC), Colchester, Darlington, Doncaster, Gillingham, Grimsby, Leyton Orient(sl cr)(£2), Leyton Orient(LC)(£3), Middlesbro, Northampton(LC)(fld)(£2), Oldham(fld)(£2), Peterboro, Reading, Shrewsbury, Southend(FAC)Swansea, Swindon, Torquay, Walsall, Watford, 67/8(£2) Barrow, Bristol R, Colchester,  Colchester(LC), Grimsby, Luton, Orient, Reading, Scunthorpe, Southend(FAC), Southport, Stockport,  68/9(£1.50) Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Crewe, Hartlepool, Millwall(LC), Northampton, Northampton(FAC), Oldham, Reading, Rochdale(FAC), Rotherham, Shrewsbury, Stockport, Torquay, Tranmere, 69/70(£1.25) Bristol Rovers, Bury, Doncaster, Fulham, Luton, Plymouth, Portsmouth(LC), Reading, Rochdale, Rotherham, Stockport, Torquay, Tranmere, Walsall(FAC), Watford(LC), 70/1(£1) A.Villa, Brad City, Reading, Rochdale, Swansea(sl mk)(60p),  Torquay, 71/2(£1) A.Villa, Bolton, Bournemouth, Brad City, Bristol Rovers, Mansfield, Millwall, Millwall(FR)(£5), Notts Cty, Oldham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Rochdale, Shrewsbury, Torquay, York, 72/3(£1) A.Villa(sl mk)(50p), Bristol C , Chelsea(FAC)(£3), Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Millwall, Oxford, Portsmouth, QPR, Sunderland(£2), 73/4(£1) Camb Utd, Hereford,  Oldham, Shrewsbury, Southend, Southport, Watford, 74/5(£1) Bury, Camb Utd(Res(MWFL)(s/s)(fld)(£5),  C.Palace(sl mk)(60p), Port Vale, Southend, Watford(sl cr)(50p),  75/6(£1) Bury, Colchester, Gillingham, Port Vale, Walsall, 76/7(80p) Chesterfield,  C Palace(FAC), Derby(LC)),  Mansfield, Northampton, Peterboro, Preston, Tranmere, Walsall, Wrexham,  76/7(80p) Swindon,   77/8(80p) Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd(LC)( 1ph)(60p), Camb Utd(LC)91 ph..dark blue)(£1), Camb Utd(MWFL)(s/s)(£4), C.Palace, Fulham, Notts Cty, Notts County(FAC), Oldham,  Tottenham(£2),  78/9(80p)  Blackburn, Burnley, Camb Utd,  Camb Utd(RES)(MWFL)(s/s)(£4), Cardiff, C.Palace,  Fulham, Leicester, L Orient, Luton, Millwall(LC), Notts Cty, Peterboro(LC), Sheff Utd, Stoke, Sunderland, West Ham, 79/80(80p) Arsenal(£2.50), A.Villa(Feb), A.Villa(Mar), Bolton, Bristol City, Camb UItd(MWFL)((s/s)(sl fld)(£4), Camb Utd(LC), C.Palace, Coventry, Derby, Everton, Ipswich, Man City, Man Utd, Notts Forest, Stoke,  Tottenham, Wolves, 80/1(80p) Arsenal, Coventry(LC), C.Palace, Everton, Ipswich, Leicester, Middlesbro, Southampton, Sunderland, Tranmere(LC), 81/2(80p) Arsenal, Coventry(sl cr)(60p), Huddersfield(LC), Ipswich,  Notts County, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham, Wolves, 82/3(80p) A.Villa, Birmingham, Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Liverpool, Luton, Man Utd(sl fld)(50p), Newcastle(FAC),  Sunderland, Tottenham(MC), Tottenham, Watford, WBA, West Ham(cr)(50p), Man.City, Norwich, Notts County, Notts Forest, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, West Ham, 83/4(80p) Barnsley, Bristol R(MC)(cr)(40p), Camb Utd, Blackburn, Chelsea(fld)(50p), C.Palace, Fulham, Huddersfield(sl fld)(50p), Liverpool(FAC), Newcastle(sl fld)(60p),  84/5(80p) Cardiff. Fulham, Man.City, Notts Cty,  85/6(80p) Huddersfield, Hull, Sheff Utd(cr)(40p), Stoke, Sunderland, 85/6(80p) Birmingham, Blackburn, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Norwich, Sheff Utd, Sheff Utd(FAC), Shrewsbury, Southampton(sl mk)(50p), 86/7(80p)Barnsley, Brad City(sl fld)(50p) , Hullsl fld)(50p), Ipswich, Millwall(sl fld)(50p), Notts Forest(MC), Portsmouth, Reading, Sunderland,  87/8(80p) Arsenal(FAC)(£1), Bury, Gillingham(LC), Fulham, Gillingham(sl fld/tc)(50p), Grimsby, Mansfield, Northampton, Notts Cty, Notts C(SVTs/f)(£2), Rotherham, Southend(FRT)(£1.50), Sunderland(£2),  88/9(80p) Blackburn(sl fld)(60p), Bournemouth, Chelsea(£2), Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Leeds(FAC), Shrewsbury((cr)(40p), Sunderland, Walsall, WBA, 89/90(80p) Barnsley, Brad.City, Luton(sl cr)(40p), Portsmouth, Watford, West Ham, 90/1(80p) Hull, Liverpool, Middlesbro, Sheff Wed, West Ham, 91/2(£1) Barnsley, Ipswich, Middlesbro, Port Vale, Southend, Sunderland, Tranmere,  Wimbledon(ZDS)(£3), 92/3 (£1) Colchester(CCC), Fulham, Hartlepool,  93/4(£1) Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Fulham, Leyton Orient, Plymouth, Stockport,   95/6(£1) Burnley, Fulham(CCC), Fulham(FAC), Notts Cty,  96/7(£1) Barnet, Camb Utd,  Fulham(AWS)(£3) , Fulham, Hull, Mansfield, Northampton, Torquay(sl mk)(50p), 97/8  (£1) Colchester, Darlington, Doncaster, Notts Cty, Torquay,  98/9 (£1)  Leyton Orient, Mansfield, Plymouth(sl mk)(50p), Scarboro,  99/00(£1) Cheltenham, Hartlepool, Leyton orient, Plymouth(FAC), Plymouth,  00/1(£1) Leyton Orient,  01/2(£1) Colchester, Northampton(cr)(60p), Notts Cty, Swindon(Promo celebration)32)02/3 (£1.50) Gillingham, Ipswich,  03/4(£1.50) Colchester, QPR,  05/6(£2)Ipswich,  06/7(£2) Leyton Orient, 07/8(£2) Southend  08/9 (£2) Colchester, Leyton Orient,  09/10 (£2)  Colchester(fld)(80p), 10/11(£2) Colchester,  11/12(£2) Coventry, 12/13 (£2) Arsenal(FAC), 16/17(£2) Colchester(EFLCup),  FRIENDLIES …. 56/7 MTK(£6), 59/60 v Rotherham (FAC) @ Arsenal(4 page)(£6), dJURGARDEN(£5), 60/1 v Frem(£6), Fluminense(fld)(£3),   61/2 v All Stars(Wilson)(cr)(£1), Hamilton Acc(sl fld)(£5),  SSV Reutlingen(£4),  71/2 v Chelsea(Powney& Gall)(£2.50), 75/6 v Tottenham(Kinnear)(£6), 82/3 v Tottenham(s/s)(sl fld)(£3), 84/5 v Arsenal(flds)(60p), 85/6 v Arsenal/Liverpool/Notts Forest(1 prog)(£2.50). 86/7 Tottenham(Ryan)(£2.50), 87/8 v Bournemouth(£1.25), 89/90 v Tottenham(Moseley)(£1.50), 90/1 v Arsenal(Gatting)(£1.50), 92/3 v New Zealand(£1.50), C Palace(Chivers)(cr)(60p),v QPR(Wilkins)(£2), Tottenham(£2.50), 94/5 v Tottenham(£2.50),  ….95/6 v C.Palace(£1.50), 97/8 v C Palace(£1), Handbook 59/60(£7), TEAMSHEETS (£1 each) v Plymouth 98/9(cr)(50p),


50/1 Gillingham(ph)(£8),  54/5 QPR(sl fld)(£12), 55/6 v Barnsley(£7),  Notts Forest(£7),  56/7  Barnsley(£7), Grimsby(£7), Leicester, 57/8 Cardiff(£7), Doncaster(fld)(£4), Fulham(£5), Huddersfield(fld)(£4), Rotherham(fld)(£4), Stoke(fld)(£4), Tottenham(Fr)(£28),  58/9  Barnsley, Brighton(£5), Bristol Rovers(£6) Cardiff(£6), , Derby(sl cr)(£3.50), Grimsby(slcr)(£3), Leyton Orient(sl cr)(£3.50), Lincoln(£5), Middlesbro(£5), Rotherham(sl fld)(£4),Scunthorpe(£5),  Sheff Utd(£5), Stoke(cr)(£3), 59/60  Brighton(£5), Cardiff(£6), Charlton(sl cr)(£3.50), Charlton(FAC)(£5), Derby(cr)(£2.50), Leyton Orient(fld)(£4), Liverpool(sl fld)(£6), Plymouth(£5), Rotherham(£5), Scunthorpe(sl fld)(£4),  Sunderland(fld)(£3), 60/1(£4) Bournemouth, Brad City, Colchester, Grimsby, Halifax, Port Vale(r/s)(£3), Southend, Swindon, Torquay, Walsall, Watford,  61/2  (£3.50) Brentford, Res v Dorchester(s/s)(£6), Lincoln , Newport, Northampton, Reading , Res v Weymouth(s/s)(£6)62/3(£3) Arsenal(FR)(£16), A. Villa(FAC)(£5), Colchester, Millwall, Reading, Shrewsbury(nof)(£2.50),  63/4(£2.50) Doncaster(FAC), Oldham,  Shrewsbury,    64/5(£2.50) Bournemouth, Brentford, Brighton(FAC), Exeter,  Watford, 65/6(£2.50) Bristol Rovers(GFAC)(£4), Norwich(£3.50),  66/7(£2.50) Arsenal RES)(£4), Blackburn(nof)(£2), Bolton, (r/s)£2), Charlton, Coventry(r/s_(£1.24), Derby(sl mk)(£2), Ipswich, (r/s)(£2), Norwich, Southampton(FAC), 67/8(£2) Birmingham, Blackpool(nof)(£2), Charlton, Derby, Everton(LC)(£3), Hull, Middlesbro(FAC), Middlesbro, Millwall, Norwich, Portsmouth, Preston(dam spine)(70p) 68/9(£1.50) Birmingham(sl cr) £1), Bury(cr)(80p), Charlton,  Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, Millwall, Newport(LC)(sof)(70p), Oxford, Preston, 69/70(£1.25) A.Villa, Blackpool, Cardiff, Carlisle, Huddersfield, Hull, Leicester(sl mk)(£1.50), Leicester(LC)(£2), Norwich, Oxford, Preston, Swindon, 70/1(£1) Blackburn, Cardiff, Fulham(sof), Leicester(LC)(£1.50), Norwich, Oxford(sl cr)(60p), Rotherham(LC), Sheff Wed,  Watford,  71/2(£1) Bristol Rovers(GSPC)(sl mk)(£1.50), Hull, QPR, Sunderland,  Watford,  72/3(£1) Burnley, Cardiff, Fulham, Luton, Oxford, Portsmouth(FAC), Sheff Wed, Sunderland,  73/4(£1) Hull, Notts Cty, Sunderland(£2), Swindon, WBA,   74/5(£1) Bolton, Cardiff, Oldham, Portsmouth, Sheff Wed, Southampton, WBA,   75/6(£1) Blackpool, Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Carlisle, Charlton, Fulham, Hull, Notts Cty, Notts Forest, Orient, Plymouth, Southampton, Sunderland(£2), West Ham(LC)(£5), 76/7(80p) A.Villa(sl mk)(60p), Birmingham, Coventry,  Ipswich, Man City, Middlesbro, QPR,  Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham, West Ham, 77/8(80p) Arsenal, A.Villa(sl fld)(60p), Birmingham, Coventry, Derby, Leicester,  Ipswich,  Man City, Man Utd(sl fld)(£1), Middlesbro, Norwich, QPR(fld)(50p), West Ham, Wrexham(FAC), 78/9 (80p) Arsenal, A.Villa(sl fld)(60p), Bolton, Bolton(FAC), Bristol C(£2), Coventry, C.Palace(LC), Derby, Everton(sl mk)(60p), Ipswich, Man City(sl tr/back page)(£1), Middlesbro, Newcastle, Norwich, Notts Forest, QPR, Southampton, Tottenham,  Wolves, Wrexham(FAC), 79/80(80p) Arsenal, A.Villa, Bolton, Coventry, C.Palace, Everton(£3), Derby, Derby(FAC), Ipswich(FAC), Ipswich, Man Utd, Middlesbro, Southampton, Stoke, Tottenham, WBA, Wolves,  80/1(80p) Birmingham(LC), Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Chelsea, L Orient, Luton,  Notts County, Watford, West Ham,  81/2(80p)  Brentford, Burnley, Carlisle, Doncaster(cr)(50p), Exeter, Fulham, Gillingham, Huddersfield, Newport, Oxford, Preston, 82/3(80p)  Hartlepool,  Tranmere,  83/4(80p)Blackpool, Bristol Rovers,  Darlington, Northampton, Notts Cty(FAC)(t/c)(50p),  Rochdale, Stockport, Wrexham,  84/5(80p) Bristol City, Gillingham(sl mk,t/c)(40p), Newport(MC), Plymouth, West Ham(MC),  85/6(80p) Bury, Gillingham, Gillingham(FRTs/f)(sl mk)(£2), Hereford(FRT )Final(£2), Newport, Notts Cty, Rotherham, Swindon(FAC), Wigan, 86/7(80p)  Bristol Rovers,  Fulham. Gillingham, Gillingham(FRT s/f)(£2), Mansfield, Newport, Notts Cty, Torquay(FAC),   87/8(80p) Brentford, Bristol Rovers, Chesterfield, Fulham,  Gillingham(t/c)(60p), Notts Cty, Preston, Southend, Sunderland,  88/9(80p) Fulham, Notts Cty, Southend(FAC), 89/90(80p) Bolton, Camb Utd FAC), Chelsea(FAC)(£2), Fulham(FAC), Fulham, Leyton Orient, Notts Cty, Notts Cty(LDC)(£2), Wigan,  90/1(80p) Barnsley, Hull, Notts Cty, Sheff Wed Sunderland(LC)(£3),   91/2(80p)Bristol Rovers(RC), Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd,  Ipswich,  Southend, Sunderland, Tranmere, Wimbledon(FAC), 92/3(80p) L Orient,Millwall,  Swindon,    93/4(80p) Barnsley(sl cr)((80p),  C.Palace,  Notts Cty,  94/5(£1) Burnley, L Orient(mkd)(40p), Notts Cty(CCC), Southend, Stoke(FAC),   95/6 (£1) Burnley, 96/7(£1) Burnley, L Orient, Notts Cty, 97/8(£1) Gillingham, L Orient, Northampton(fld)(60p), 98/9(£1) L Orient(sl fld)(60p),   99/00(£1.50) Camb Utd(WC)(£2), Colchester, Luton, Millwall, Notts Cty,  00/1(£1.50) Camb Utd(RES)(£2),  Colchester, Notts Cty, Swindon,  01/2(£1.50) Colchester, Notts Cty, QPR, Swindon,   02/3(£1.70) Colchester, Notts Cty(11/02), Notts Cty(12/12), Swindon(mkd)(70p), 03/4(£2) Colchester, Notts Cty, Swindon, Torquay,  04/5((£2), Colchester,Swindon,  05/6(£2) Colchester,  Hartlepool, Swindon,   06/7(£2) Leyton orient,  07/8 (£2) Colchester, 08/9(£2.50) Preston, 13/14(£2) Colchester,  14/15(£2) Colchester..Testimonials.. 70/1 v Bristol Rovers(Bush/Ford)(t/c)(£1.50), 72/3 v Chelsea(Parr)(£4), 75/6 v Hereford(Drysdale)(£2), 76/7  v Bristol Rovers(Tainton)(£2)..Friendlies…  Arsenal(FR)53/4(tatty)(£3), 59/60 Radnicki(fld)(£4), 61/2 v Hamborn(£5), 65/6 v Wolves(£4), 67/8 v Coventry(£4), 69/70 v Juventus(AIT)(£5), Wolves(£5), 70/1 West Ham(£3),  ….78/9 v Malmo(£1.50), 88/9 v Swindon(£1.25), ..Anglo Scottish Cup..78/9 v Bristol Rovers 77/8(Glos PC Final)(£1.50), 94/5 v Tottenham(FR)(£2.50),  ..Handbooks 69/70(mkd)(£1.50),72/3(£3)


  50/1 Newport (cell edge)(£9),   51/2  Preston(FAC)((sl tr to back cover no text lost)(£12, 53/4 , Derby(£9), Fulham(fld)(£7), Hull(£10),  54/5  Birmingham(sl cr)(£5), Middlesbrough (£8), Portsmouth(FAC)(fld)(£6), Stoke(sl cr)(£4.50), 55/6 Bristol City(cr)£4), Doncaster(sl fld)(£6), Leeds(fld)(£15), Leicester(sl fld)(£6), Swansea(£7)West Ham(£16),  56/7  Bristol City(sl fld)(£4.50), Bury(£7), Grimsby(tatty)(£1.50),  Preston(FAC)(cr)(£4), Sheff Utd(sl fld)(£4.50), 57/8 Cardiff(cr)(£3), Leyton Orient(cr/spl/sp)(£2), Lincoln(r/s)(£4), Liverpool(sl tr)(£5), Middlesbro(r/s)(£4), Rotherham,  58/9 Barnsley, Brighton(£5),  Charlton(FAC)(£5), Huddersfield, (£5), L Orient(£5),Lincoln(£6)  59/60  Cardiff(£5), Doncaster(FAC)(cr)(32.50), Middlesbro(£5), Plymouth(£5), Preston(FAC)(£5),  60/1(£4) Brighton, Derby(fld)(£2.75), Middlesbro, Norwich, Southampton, 61/2(£3.50) Brighton, Derby(fld)(£2.50), Huddersfield,  L Orient(wof)£1),  Liverpool(cell sp)(£2), Oldham (FAC), Stoke, Walsall  62/3(£3) Bristol City, Colchester,  Halifax, Millwall, Northampton, Port Vale(LC)(£4) Port Vale(FAC), Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury(RES)(s/s)(£4), 63/4(£2.50) Colchester, C Palace, Millwall,  64/5(£2.50)  Brentford, Bristol City, Colchester, Port Vale, Shrewsbury(cell edge)(£1.50), Walsall,  65/6 (£2.50) Bournemouth, Brentford, Brighton, Bristol City(Glos FA Final)(fld)(£2.50), Exeter, Gillingham, Grimsby, Hull, Mansfield, Oldham, Oxford, Peterboro, QPR, Reading, Scunthorpe, Shrewsbury, Southend, Swindon, Walsall, Watford, West Ham(LC)(£8), Workington(£4), York,  66/7(£2.50) Arsenal(FAC)(£4), Brighton,  Colchester, QPR(£3), Darlington, Doncaster, Gillingham(sl fld0(£1.50), Oldham, Oxford, Reading, Scunthorpe, Shrewsbury, Swansea, Swindon, Torquay, Walsall,   Workington, 67/8(£2) Barrow(sl fld)(£1.50), Bournemouth(fld)(£1,50),Brighton,  Bristol City(FAC)(£3), Colchester, Grimsby, L Orient, Northampton, Oxford, Scunthorpe(fld)(£1), Southport, Stockport, Swindon, Torquay, Tranmere, Walsall,  68/9(£2) Bournemouth(FAC), Brighton, Crewe, Gillingham, Hartlepool, Luton, Plymouth, Shrewsbury,  Stockport, Swansea, Swindon, Torquay, Swansea(LC), Tranmere, Watford, 69/70(£1.25) Barnsley, Brighton, Bury, Doncaster, Gillingham, L Orient, Mansfield, Shrewsbury, Reading, Rochdale, Rotherham, Shrewsbury, 70/1(£1) Birmingham, Bristol City(GCCFinal)(£3), Fulham, Norwich(LC(sl tr)£2), 71/2(£1)  Bolton, Camb Utd(FAC), Sunderland(LC)(£5), Notts Cty, Plymouth(sof)(60p), Port Vale, QPR)(LC)(£2), Sunderland,   72/3(£1) Notts Cty, Southend, Walsall, Watford, 73/4 (£1) Aldershot(sl fld)(60p), Brighton, amb Utd, Charlton(fld)(50p), Chesterfield(sl fld)(60p), Halifax(sl fld)(60p), Grimsby, Huddersfield, Oldham(fld)(50p), Plymouth(fld)(50p), Port Vale(sl fld)(60p), Rochdale(sl fld)(60p),  Southend,  Tranmere(fld)(50p), Walsall(sl fld)(60p), Watford, Wrexham(sl fld)(60p), York(sl fld)(60p),  74/5(£1) A.Villa(£1.50), Fulham(sl cr)(50p), Man Utd (sof)(£3), Norwich, Notts Cty, Notts Forest, Oldham,  Southampton, Sunderland 75/6(£1) Blackpool, Charlton, Notts Cty, Sunderland(£1.50), 76/7(80p) Cardiff,  Cardiff(LC), Ipswich, Luton, Notts Cty, Wolves,  77/8(80p) Blackburn, C.Palace,  Mansfield, Notts County, Orient, Southampton(FAC)(sl fld)(60p), Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham(£2.50), Walsall(LC), 78/9(80p) Camb Utd, Charlton(FAC), Leicester, Newcastle, Notts Cty, Sunderland, West Ham, 79/80(80p) A.Villa(FAC)(£1), Birmingham, Burnley, Camb Utd9sl fld)(50p),  Fulham, Notts County, Orient, QPR,  Swansea, Torquay(LC), West Ham,  80/1(80p) Bristol City, Camb Utd, Chelsea(£1.50), (cr)(40p), Derby, L Orient, Newcastle, Luton, Notts Cty, QPR, Shrewsbury, Watford, West Ham(fld)(60p), Wrexham, York(LC), 81/2(80p) Carlisle, Chesterfield, Crewe(LC), Exeter, Gillingham(sl mk(t/c)(40p), Huddersfield, Newport, Northampton(LC), Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Southend, Wimbledon,  82/3(80p) Bournemouth, Cardiff, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Plymouth, Torquay(MC), Wrexham, 83/4(80p) Bolton, Bournemouth, Brentford, Exeter, Gillingham(t/c/sl mk)(40p),Oxford,  Port Vale(AMC), Port Vale,  Scunthorpe, Sheff Utd, Southend, Wigan, 84/5(80p) Arsenal(LC)(£2), brentford,  Camb utd, Gillingham(sl mk)(50p), Ipswich(FAC), Orient, 85/6 (80p) Gillingham, Newport, Newport(MC), Notts Cty, Wigan,  86/7(80p) Fulham, Gillingham, Mansfield, Notts Cty(sl fld)(60p), Rotherham, 87/8 (80p) Gillingham, Fulham, Notts Cty,  88/9(80p) Bristol City(SVT), Fulham, Gillingham, Mansfield, Notts County, Sheff Utd(sl fld)(50p),  89/90(80p) Exeter(LDT), Fulham, Gillingham (LDC)(t/c)(£2.50), Notts C, Orient, Northampton, Notts Cty, Notts Cty(LDC)(£2.50), Tranmere, Wigan, 90/1(80p) Notts Cty, Sheff Wed,  91/2(80p)  Oxford, Sunderland, 92/3(80p) Luton(Youth)(s/s)(fld)(£2), Notts Cty, 93/4(£1) Brighton, Burnley, Fulham, Fulham(AT)(£2), Leyton Orient, Plymouth,  94/5(£1) Port Vale(CCC),   95/6(£1) Burnley, Northampton  96/7(£1) Burnley, Gillingham, Notts Cty, 97/8(£1.50) Gillingham, Ipswich(FAC),   98/9(£1), Colchester, L Orient(WC)(fld)(80p), Portsmouth(RES) (s/s)(fld)(£2), West Ham(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£2),  99/00 (£1) Camb Utd, Colchester, Millwall(sl cr)(60p), Notts Cty, Swindon,  00/1(£1) Notts Cty, Swindon, 01/2(£1) Dagenham & R(LDV) , Swindon, 02/3(£1.50) Boston, Millwall(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£2), Norwich(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£2), Scunthorpe 03/4(£1.50) Millwaal(RES)(s/s)(fld)(£2),  04/5(£1.50) Notts Cty, Southend,  05/6(££1.50) Leyton Orient, 06/7(£1.50) Swindon,   07/8(£1.50) Leyton Orient,  Leyton Orient(FAC),  08/9(£2) Colchester, Leyton Orient, Swindon,    09/10(£2)  Colchester, Leyton Orient, Swindon, 10/11(£2) Colchester(with March insert)£3), 18/19 (£2) Accrington, Coventry, Crawley(CC), Plymouth, Portsmouth. Southend, Walsall, West Ham( Checkatrade)(£2.50), Yeovil(CT)  …SPECIALS…Friendlies 59/60 v Djugardens(cr)(£2.75), 70/1 v West Ham(Jones)(£6), 85/6 Birmingham(£1), West Ham(£2), 01/2 v Birmingham(£1.50), 99/00 v QPR(£2),  Testimonials…v 62/3 Sheff Wed(Williams Test)(£4), (late 60s..v Nottingham Forest..Biggs Test ..with fld)(£3.50)  73/4 West Ham(Texaco)(£4), 77/8 v Ipswich(Taylor)(£2), 83/4 v Coventry(Bailey)(£1), 84/5 v A. Villa(Barrett)(£1.50), Gloucester SPCFinal)Rovers v Bristol City 1990(£1), 18/19 Exeter(£1.50), .. .Fanzine..The Gashead  No 13, Vol2 No 11(£1)..Watney Cup 1973 v West Ham(£4),..Bernard Hall Test Brochure(60s?)(£4), Handbook 56/7(£8),        Teamsheets(£1 each) 06/7 v Stafford Rangers, 07/8 Stafford Rangers,


 47/8 Derby (sl fld)(£30),   49/50 Derby(sl fld)(£25) 50/1 WBA(£22), 51/2 Blackpool(sl fld)(£18), Man Utd(fld..1 page inside torn but intact)(£32), 52/3 Arsenal(FAC)(£22), Arsenal(£20), Sunderland(FAC)(£16), 53/4  Man Utd(FAC)(sl mk)(£40), 54/5 Arsenal(£12), Cardiff(fld)(£8), Huddersfield(£9), 55/6 Arsenal(£25), Cardiff(sl r/s)£8), Everton(£9)   56/7 Arsenal(£8),  Birmingham(£7), Man City(£7),   57/8 Arsenal(£12)A.Villa(fld)(£6), Birmingham(sl cr)(£3), Blackburn())Lights)(with cuttings)(£9) , Bolton(sl mks)(£4), Bristol Rovers(FAC)(fld)(£6), Offenbach Kickers(Fr) 4 page)(fld)(£9), Swansea(FAC)(fld)(£4),  58/9 Arsenal(£7), A.Villa(£6), Man Utd(£6), Portsmouth(£5), WBA(£6), WHU(£8), Wolves(£6) 59/60 Arsenal(£7), Blackburn(£9), Blackburn(FAC)(sl fld)(£7), Brad City(FAC)(£9), Leeds(£10), Luton(£9), Newcastle(cr)(£4), 60/1(£4) Arsenal(£6), A.Villa, Blackburn, Brentford(LC)(cr)(£3), Brighton(FAC), Cardiff(sl fld)(£3), Everton, Preston, Sheff Wed(sl fld)(£3), Swansea(FAC), West Ham(£6), 61/2(£3.50) Arsenal(£5), A.Villa(poor)(60p), Everton(sl fld)(£3), Fulham, Ipswich(£35), Leicester, Leyton Orient(FAC)(fld)(£3) Man City, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Tottenham (£6), WBA, West Ham, Wolves(sof)(£2.50),   62/3(£3) Arsenal, Birmingham, Fulham, Ipswich, Leicester, L Orient(£5), Liverpool(£5), Man.City, Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed, Tottenham(£5), WBA, West Ham(£4), 63/4(£2.50)  A.Villa, Blackburn, Blackpool(sl mk)(£2), Bolton, Everton, Fulham(mkd)(£1), Huddersfield(FAC), Ipswich(sl mk)(£2), Leicester(Feb)(£8), Leicester, Liverpool, Newport(FAC), Notts Forest, Rotherham(FAC)(sl fld)(£2), Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed(fld)(£2), Stoke, WBA, Tottenham, WHU(£5), Wolves 64/5(£2.50) Arsenal(sof)(£2), Birmingham, Blackpool,  Brentford(FAC)(sof)£1.50), Chelsea, Everton, Leeds(£4), Leicester, Notts Forest, Reading(FAC)(sof)(£2), Sheff Utd, Stoke, Sunderland, Tottenham(£5), West Ham(£4),  65/6(£2.50) Arsenal, Blackburn,  Blackpool, Bournemouth(FAC), Chelsea, Everton, Leeds(£6), Liverpool, Man Utd(£4), Newcastle, Sheff Utd, Sheff Wed,  Southampton, Sunderland, WBA, West Ham(£4), 66/7(£2.50) Arsenal, Blackpool, Everton(FAC)(ph)(1.50), Fulham, Huddersfield(FAC)(sl mk)£1), Leeds(£4) Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(ph)(£2), Notts Forest, Sheff Utd, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland, West Ham(£4), 67/8(£2) Arsenal(£5) Arsenal(LC)(£5), Cardiff(LC)(£5),  Coventry,  Everton, Leicester, Liverpool, Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham(£6), West Ham(FAC), Wolves, 68/9(£1.50) Arsenal, Chelsea(fld)(£2), Coventry, Derby, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle, Notts Forest, QPR, Southampton, Stoke, Sunderland(Mar)(£12), Sunderland(Apr), Tottenham, WBA, West Ham(£6), Wolves  69/70(£1.25) Chelsea(£5), Coventry, C.Palace, Derby, Ipswich, Leeds, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Newcastle(cr)(60p), Sheff Wed, Sunderland, Tottenham, WBA, West Ham,  Wolves9FAC)(£3), 70/1 (£1) Blackpool, Chelsea(£2), Coventry, C.Palace,  Derby, Everton, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leeds(fld)(60p), Liverpool(cr)(40p), Man Utd(£3), Man Utd(LC)(sof)(£80p), Newcastle, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed(RES)(single pink card, folded9£6), Southampton, Stoke, WBA, West Ham, Wolves, 71/2(£1)  Birmingham, Blackpool, Bristol City, Cardiff, Charlton(poor)(20p), Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, L Orient, Luton, Man Utd(LC)(£5), Middlesbro, Millwall, Norwich, Oxford, Portsmouth(sl fld)(50p), Preston, QPR, Sheff Wed, Sunderland, Swindon, Watford,   72/3(£1) A.Villa, Blackpool, Brighton, Bristol City, Carlisle, Fulham, Huddersfield,  Hull, L Orient, Liverpool(FAC)(sl cr)(60p), Luton, Middlesbro, Oxford, Portsmouth, Preston, QPR, Sheff Wed, Sunderland(£2),  73/4 (£1) Arsenal(£2.50), A.Villa(FAC), Birmingham, Cardiff(LC), Coventry, Derby, Everton, Ipswich(fld)(50p), Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd(£3),  Norwich, Plymouth(LC), QPR,  Sheff Utd(fld)(60p), Southampton, Stoke, Tottenham,  West Ham(£2.50), Wolves(fld)(50p), Wrexham(FAC), 74/5(£1) Arsenal(fld)(50p), Birmingham, Chelsea(£3), Coventry, Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool(sl fld)(60p), Luton(£2), Man City(cr)(30p), Middlesbro(£2), Newcastle, QPR, Sheff Utd, Stoke, Tottenham, West Ham(sob), Wolves(£2),  75/6(£1) Arsenal(£2), A.Villa, Coventry(£3), Everton, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Leicester(LC), Liverpool(£2), Liverpool(LC)(£2.50), Man City, Man Utd(£5), Middlesbro, Middlesbro(LC), Newcastle, Norwich, QPR, Sheff Utd, Stoke(sl fld)(60p), Tottenham, West Ham ,Wolves(£2),  76/7(80p) Bolton, Blackburn, Bristol Rovers, Cardiff, Chelsea(£2.50), Fulham, Hereford, Hull, Lincoln,  Millwall, Notts County,Notts Forest, Oldham, Plymouth, Sheff Utd  77/8(80p) Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Cardiff,  Chester(LC)(cr)(50p), C.Palace, Fulham,  Hull, Ipswich(LC)(£2), L Orient, Luton, Mansfield, Millwall, Norwich, Notts Cty, Oldham, Sheff Utd,  Southampton, Sunderland, Tottenham(poor)(30p),  78/9 (80p) Blackburn, Brad City(LC), Brighton)LC), Brighton(£2), Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Cardiff,  Charlton, C.Palace, Fulham, Leicester, Luton, Mansfield(ASCs/f)(£2), Millwall, Newcastle(£3), Notts Cty, Oldham, Oldham (ASC Final)(£4), Orient,  Sheff Utd, Stoke,  Sunderland(FAC), Sunderland(£3), West Ham, Wrexham  79/80(80p) Birmingham, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd,  Cardiff, Chelsea, Fulham, Luton, Newcastle, Notts Cty, Oldham, Orient, QPR,  Shrewsbury, Stoke, Sunderland, Swansea Watford, West Ham(£2), Wolves, Wrexham, 80/1(80p) Chesterfield, Chesterfield, Colchester, Exeter, Fulham, Gillingham, Hull, Millwall, Newport, Oxford, Port Vale(FAC), Rotherham, Sheff Utd,  West Ham(LC)(£2),  81/2(80p) Brentfprd, Chester, Chesterfield, Doncaster, Exeter, Gillingham, Huddersfield(fld)(50p), Millwall, Newport, Portsmouth, Oxford, Newport, Portsmouth, Reading, Southend, Walsall, Watford, 82/3(80p) Blackburn, Bolton, Camb Utd, Chelsea(£4), C Palace(FAC)(fld)(60p), C.Palace, Fulham, Grimsby, Leeds(£3), Leicester, Oldham, QPR, Sheff Wed(FAC), Sheff Wed, Shrewsbury, 83/4(80p) Blackburn(LMC)(£2), Bournemouth, Brentford, Bristol Rovers, , Crewe(MC), Hull, Exeter, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), L Orient, Oxford, Plymouth, Wimbledon,  84/5 (80p)  Bolton, Bournemouth, Brad City, Bristol City, Camb Utd, Crewe(MC), Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Hull, Man Utd(MC)(£6), Plymouth(sl fld)(50p), Wigan, 85/6(80p) Bolton(LMC)(£2), Bury(MC), Bury(LMC)(£2), Camb Utd, Crewe, Colchester, Hereford, Mansfield, Preston, Scunthorpe, Tranmere(cr)(30p),   86/7(80p)  Bolton(LMC)(fld)(£1), Camb Utd,  Colchester, Hartlepool, L Oreint, Rochdale(LC), Scunthorpe, Southend, Swansea, 87/8(80p) Blackburn(LMC)(£2), Camb Utd, Colchester, Halifax(SVT s/f)(£3), Huddersfield(FR)(£3), L Newport, Orient, Preston(SVT /s/f)(£3), Preston(FR)(£3), Rochdale, Swansea, Wrexham(mkd)(30p), Wolves(£2), 88/9(80p) Camb Utd, Carlisle, Colchester, Crewe, Darlington, Doncaster, Exeter, Grimsby, Halifax, Hartlepool, Hartlepool(SVT)(£2), Hereford, Peterboro, Rochdale, Rochdale(LC), Rochdale, Stockport,  Torquay, Tranmere, Wrexham,  York 89/90(80p) Bolton(LMC)(£2), Blackburn(LMC)(£2), Carlisle, Chesterfield, Colchester, Gillingham(t/c)(50p), Halifax, Hartlepool, Leyton Orient, Lincoln, Luton(LC), Maidstone, Scarboro,  Scunthorpe(FAC), Southend, Stockport, Wigan(LMC)(£2), 90/1(80p) Aldershot, Blackburn(LMC)(£2), Blackpool, Darlington(sl tr)(40p), Doncaster, (sl fld)(50p), Hartlepool, Lincoln, Preston(LMC)(£2), Stockport, Stoke(FAC), Torquay, Walsall, Wigan(LMC)(£2), Wrexham  91/2(80p) Aldershot, Barnet, Blackburn(LMC)(£2), Blackpool, Bury(LMC)(£2), Cardiff, Carlisle, Chesterfield(sl fld)(50p), Crewe(sl fld)(50p), Doncaster, Gillingham, Halifax, Hereford, LIncoln, Maidstone, Mansfield(sl fld)(50p), Northampton, Rochdale, Rotherham(FAC), Scarboro, Scunthorpe, Stockport(AWS s/f)(£2), Walsall, Wigan(RC), Wrexham, York, 92/3(£1) Blackpool, Bournemouth, Bury(LCC Final)(£3), Chester, Exeter, Fulham,  Hartlepool, L Orient, Mansfield, Plymouth, Preston, Preston(LCC)(cr)(50p), Rotherham(fld)(60p), Sheff Utd(FAC), Stoke Swansea, Wigan, 93/4(£1)) Barnet, Blackpool, Blackpool(LCC)(£2), Bolton(LCC)(£2), Bournemoputh, Bradford C, Brentford, Brighton, Bristol Rovers, Camb Utd, Cardiff, Carlisle, Carlisle(AY)(£2), Exeter, Fulham, Huddersfield, Hull, L Orient, Plymouth, Port Vale, Preston(CCC), Reading, Rochdale(FAC), Rotherham, Stockport, Swansea, Tottenham(CCC)(£3),  Wrexham, York, York(FAC), 94/5(£1) Barnsley, Bolton, Bristol City, Bury/ Man Utd(joint prog)(LCC)(£4),  Charlton, Derby, Grimsby, Liverpool(LC)(£3), Liverpool(FAC) (£4), Luton, Middlesbro, Millwall, Notts County, Oldham, Port Vale, Port Vale(DEC)(£3), Portsmouth, Reading, Sheff Utd, Shrewsbury(FAC), Southend, Stoke, Sunderland(£3), Swindon, Tranmere, Watford, WBA, Wolves, (sl fld)(80p), York(CCC), 95/6(£1) Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brad City, Brighton, Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Brentford, Carlisle, Chester, (AWS)(£2), Chesterfield, Crewe, Leicester(CCC), Mansfield, Notts Cty, Oxford, Peterboro, Rotherham, Shrewsbury, Stockport, Swansea, Swindon, Walsall, Walsall(FAC), Wrexham, Wycombe, York, 96/7(£1) Blackpool, Bournemouth, Brentford, Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Bury, Chesterfield, Charlton(CCC), Crewe, Gillingham, Lincoln(FAC), Luton, Mansfield(CCC), Millwall, Notts Cty, Peterboro, Plymouth, Preston, Rotherham, Shrewsbury, Stockport,Stockport(AWS)(£3), Walsall(FAC), Walsall, Watford, Wrexham, Wycombe, York,  97/8(£1) Blackpool, Bristol Rovers, Carlisle, Gillingham, Northampton, Preston(AWS s/f)(£2), Preston, Southend, Stoke, Notts Cty(AWS)(£2), 98/9(£1) Blackpool, Colchester, Gillingham, Macclesfield, Millwall, Northampton, , Notts Cty, Oldham, Walsall,  99/00(£1.50) Colchester, Luton, Millwall, Notts Cty, Wigan, 00/1(£1.50)  Wimbledon, 01/2(£1.50) Gillingham, 02/3(£2) Coventry, Gillingham, Ipswich,  03/4(£2), Coventry, C.Palace, Millwall, Sunderland, West Ham, Wigan, Wimbledon,04/5(£2)  Plymouth, Tottenham(CC)(£3),  05/6(£2) Barnsley(CC), Brighton, Cardiff, Coventry, Hull, Ipswich, QPR, Sheff Utd, 06/7(£2) Arsenal(FAC)(£3), Barnsley, Colchester, Derby, Norwich, Sunderland(fld)(80p),   07/8(£2.50) Colchester, Ipswich, Scunthorpe, …..SPECIALS. 58/9 v IntX1(Dougall)(£5), 1973 v Old Stars/Millionaire X1( Angus)(£2.50)75/6 v Blackburn(£2), 1982 v Man City(Stevenson)(£2.50)(Stephenson Brochure…cr)(£1)1983 Isle of Man Festival Brochure(£2), 90/1 v  D Brest(£1), Coventry(£2.50), 91/2 v Oldham(Holland)(£2), 92/3 v Ajax(£1.50), D Moscow(£1.50), Chelsea(£2.50), .93/4 v Liverpool(£2), 95/6 v Man City(£2.50), Wigan(LCC)(fld)(80p), 96/7 v Liverpool(£2), 97/8 v Man City £4), Gremio(Brazil)(£2.50),  99/00 v Everton/Sunderland(£2),   Charity Match v 62/3 Hearts away @ Hearts(sl cr)(£8),  EUROPEANS….60/1 Reims(£6), Hamburg(£6), 66/7 v Eintracht £3), Lausanne(£3), Napoli(£3), Stuttgart(£4),  EUROPEAN AWAYS  Hamburg 60/1(£50), Eimtracht Frankfurt 66/7(£25), …..TEXACO … 70/1Hearts(£3), 73/4 East Fife(£2), Hearts(£2),  78/9 v celtic(£5), …Fixture card 91/2(£1.50), 96/7(£1), …Brochure “Burnley FC Soccer Souvenir 1978/9” 26 page brochure(£3)…Yearbo0k 92/3(£4), 93/4(£4),..Photocopy/Replica 13/14 Final Burnley v Liverpool(£1.50), …Christmas Greetings Card including 120mm x 90mm team photo..undated but ertiamted to around 70-74)(£5


(for pre league see non league section)
11/2(£1.50)  AFC Wimbledon,  14/15 (£2) Southend, 15/16(£2) Colchester,